It would be a kick, her friend said. We’d solve a mystery and be heroes, she said.
And then she disappeared, leaving Adrienne Steele to confess to their employer that they’d been using company resources for Internet sleuthing. Not only had they not found the treasure left behind by a corrupt cult, but now her friend might be dead.
Blain Moses, “Shadow” to his friends, has spent the better part of a year creating his post-SEAL persona—that of a rebel fighting his way in to a local paramilitary group of anarchists. The club was about ten levels below Shadow’s ultimate target, but the ride up through the chain of miscreants is worth the effort. His enemy was Teflon-coated; none of his crimes ever stick to him. Shadow is out to make him take responsibility for his actions, both here and abroad.
At least he was, until a tornado of a female lands in his lap, looking for treasure in all the wrong places.
If he can’t get her to stand down, her life and his will be forfeited in a battle no one even knows is coming.