BETRAYAL ROAD is Christine Feehan's ninth installment in her Torpedo Ink series which is a spin-off of the Sea Haven series involving the Drake Sisters. Focused on the motorcycle club, Torpedo Ink with Viktor Prekenskii (“Czar”) as its President, each book has a member meeting the one person who can make them human again and find their perfect mate. As children in Russia, all of the club members' parents were killed and the children were taken in a political power move by a high-ranking man. The children grew up in an assassin training school run by sadists and pedophiles. Czar joined a group of children to teach them skills and help them live. Only 18 of 287 children survived but with significant emotional and physical scarring. Each developed specialized skills including some extrasensory talents such as telekinesis and the ability to influence people with their voice.
BETRAYAL ROAD is Andreii Federoff a.k.a. Maestro’s chance for love. Maestro has an affinity for wood (he can feel who has touched wood panels), plays in a band with his brothers, and excels at throwing knives to kill people. He is assigned to get close to Azelie Vargas, bookkeeper for another suspected human trafficking ring. The plot starts abruptly and the main characters are instantly feeling a deep connection that causes the badass biker to be romantic and in touch with his feelings and the terrified, sheltered woman to jump into a relationship with a stranger. There is little to no character development or realistic conflict and minimal interaction with the characters from the previous books. Although I enjoyed the series when it began, it has lost all its originality making the book drag and hard to finish. The one good part was the plot twist with the main villain. I didn’t see it coming. Maybe the next one will be better.
Deception cuts deep in the next propulsive novel in #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan’s Torpedo Ink motorcycle club series.
The stranger frequenting Azelie Vargas’s local coffee shop is a sight to behold. He’s tall, dark, muscular, and a complete distraction. She’s worried one look from his striking silver eyes will have her acting a fool. But it’s not a look that sets Azelie aflame—it’s the way he boldly tells her every dark, dirty thing he’d like to do to her. She should be scandalized. Instead, all she wants to do is say yes.
Andrii “Maestro” Federoff is in San Francisco on club business. Torpedo Ink needs information to bust up a human trafficking ring, and Maestro has found his mark. After weeks of stealthy observation, he’s not sure if Azelie is involved directly, or if she’s just working for some bad people. What he does know is that he needs to get close to her fast, and soon he can’t get enough.
What began as a setup quickly turns real. But no matter how hot they burn, Maestro’s betrayal could leave their hearts smoldering in the ashes.…