June 17th, 2024
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Shielding the Innocent Target

Shielding the Innocent Target, May 2024
US Marshalls #4
by Terri Reed

Love Inspired
Featuring: Paige Walsh; Lucas Cavendish
ISBN: 133559812X
EAN: 9781335598127
Kindle: B0CDLYQJD3
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book / audiobook
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"Cowboy Caveman, at your service"

Fresh Fiction Review

Shielding the Innocent Target
Terri Reed

Reviewed by Bharti C
Posted May 21, 2024

Inspirational Mystery | Romance Suspense

Author Terri Reed's latest is SHIELDING THE INNOCENT TARGET, an emotionally sweet yet action-packed, fast-paced romantic thriller. 

Paige Walsh is a paralegal at the DA's office in Florida. One night, while working overtime she witnesses a couple of criminals threatening her boss. When things heat up between them she has to run for her life. Soon things are out of control and she has, Lucas Cavendish, a U.S. Marshall to escort her and her young son to safety. It's a long way from Florida to Texas especially with an assassin equipped with all kinds of weapons on their tail. 

He knows their every move and will not stop until he kills Paige. Every moment they are vulnerable on the road and can't seem to catch a break. Lucas, the cowboy U.S. Marshall is doing his best to lose the criminal on his back and deliver his charges safely to Texas. The bad guys are chasing him at every turn, and emotionally Lucas' attraction to Paige and affection for her son Kenny is increasing with every minute they spend together. 

Will the bad guys win or will the cowboy safely deliver his charges but lose his heart to them anyway? Pick up a copy now to know. 

  • The story takes place for a few days as Paige and Lucas are on the road from Florida to Texas. There's not a second where the reader is left thinking or getting bored, as these characters get chased the minute they get inside a car. Lucas has only one goal to get Paige, Kenny and his therapy dog, Aslan, to Texas safe and alive. 
  • There is so much action to keep you gripped right from the go. While on the road there's a constant tug of war, speeding, bullets flying around, and cars crashing into them. Paige and Lucas don't have a moment to breathe freely every time they get going until they lose their tail for a while. That's when there are sweet, emotional moments between them all. 
  • There are moments of calm where Paige and her son are adorable and their bond shining making Lucas all emotional, all the more attracted to Paige. 
  • When the going gets tough, all three hold on strongly to their faith in God. There are constant, small prayers at the back of their minds. It was very affirming to see them get through it all with faith in their hearts. 
  • I enjoyed how love, kindness, faith, trust, and even the therapy dog's loyalty kept them going through whilst among some very terrifying moments and being almost killed. 

SHIELDING THE INNOCENT TARGET is a sweet, emotional, quick read, I finished it in a day while I rooted for love and justice to win and the bad guys to rot and allPick up a copy and enjoy a story that will hook you from the go and stop only when all are happy and safe. 

Learn more about Shielding the Innocent Target


A child under his protection…

and a hit man in pursuit.

After witnessing her boss’s murder, Paige Walsh must trust Deputy US Marshal Lucas Cavendish to bring her to safety. But when a notorious assassin targets her and her son, Lucas’s short-term assignment turns into a dangerous cross-country mission. For Paige to identify her boss’s killer, Lucas must get the family into witness protection. Except the hit man knows their every move…and trusting the wrong person could get them killed.

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