Viking Books for Young Readers
Featuring: Jerry; Charlotte
416 pages ISBN: 0593205545 EAN: 9780593205549 Kindle: B0C3BZRBY9 Hardcover / e-Book Add to Wish List
NOT DEAD ENOUGH is a gripping young adult thriller debut by author Tyffany D. Neiheiser. It tackles tough subjects like dating violence, abuse cycles, stalking, and the aftermath of a toxic relationship. Charlotte’s ex-boyfriend promised he would never let her go, but now he’s dead, and he can’t hurt her anymore, or can he? Charlotte survived a car crash that killed her ex-boyfriend and severely injured another classmate. She is grappling with her emotional health and is trying to reconnect with the friends she cut off after the accident. Some people blame her for not stopping Jerry from driving, while others, like her friends Ian, Lori, and Nate, are more compassionate and understanding. Everyone loved Jerry, but they didn’t know the truth about his violent outbursts, verbal abuse, and hair-trigger temper. Only Charlotte knows the truth. Now, someone is texting her, pretending to be Jerry, and Charlotte feels his presence in her room with cold drafts, moved objects, and an out-of-control Ouija board. Is Jerry still alive, or is he a ghost? As the texts become more threatening and Charlotte’s bike tires are slashed, Charlotte knows she’s running out of time to uncover her stalker. Jerry said he would never let her go, but is Charlotte strong enough to make him leave? NOT DEAD ENOUGH is an impressive thriller debut that starts with a punch and keeps readers engrossed until the very last pages. Charlotte has suffered an abusive relationship, and the author does a good job of showing how the abuse begins and how it is carried out through physical intimidation, emotional manipulation, constant monitoring, and degradation. The scenarios are realistic, including the parent involvement, Charlotte’s relationships with other classmates, and Charlotte’s difficulty reconciling the good parts of Jerry with his abusive behaviors. The threatening texts and unknown stalker fuel the suspense factor, and the final reveal is shocking and well done. Charlotte’s transformation from an abuse victim to a stronger, smarter young woman capable of identifying a healthy relationship feels quite significant. NOT DEAD ENOUGH is an intense thriller that tackles an important topic, which will appeal to a wide audience. An author’s note and resources are included at the end.
Girl in Pieces meets Cracked Up to Be in this raw and candid look at trauma about a girl who is being haunted and stalked by her definitely dead ex-boyfriend.
Charlotte survived the car crash that killed her boyfriend Jerry, but that night, everything changed. Charlotte wants desperately to get back to “normal,” --whatever that means now-- and start reconnecting with friends she hasn’t spoken to in months. And she’s trying to work through her PTSD with the help of her therapist, only she can’t tell the truth about Jerry or what really happened the night he died.
Just when Charlotte thinks she might be moving on, someone starts sending her threatening messages claiming to be Jerry, saying things only he would know. But it can't really be Jerry because there's no such thing as ghosts. The cold spots in her room must be a draft and the noises she hears must be the house creaking. There has to be a logical explanation for all of it. Because if ghosts are real, then Jerry came back for her—just like he always said he would.
Not Dead Enough is a gripping exploration of trauma from debut author Tyffany D. Neiheiser about a girl who realizes that running from the past will help you survive, but everything you try to escape will eventually find you in the end. Perfect for fans of Courtney Summers and Kathleen Glasgow! Authors note included.
My phone flashed a warning that my battery was low, which was weird, since I’d plugged it in when I did my homework. Maybe the cord had been loose. I rolled over on my bed, grabbed the charger, and plugged it back in.
Tap, tap, tap.
I paused, waiting to see if the sound would come again.
Tap, tap, tap.
The sound was coming from the window, like a finger on the glass.
I peered out the window. The night was dark except for the streetlamp on the corner. The tree in front of my window partially blocked the view to the sidewalk. The branches swayed. But I didn’t see branches touching the window.
Knock, knock.
I froze, then forced myself to take a breath. The soft knock had come from the door. One of my parents was awake, that was all.
I strode over to the door and opened it, but there was no one in the hallway.
My heart picked up speed. I leaned out my door again, looking left and right. Moonlight streamed through the hallway window, lighting the dark just enough to see I was alone.
Knock, knock.
I almost screamed as I whirled around. There. Someone was there. I saw them out of the corner of my eye.
I froze.
No no no. It couldn’t be.
I turned slowly toward him, but he was gone, like he’d never been there. It was just my dresser mirror, throwing my reflection back at me, my eyes too wide and skin bleached of color.
But I’d seen him. Except, of course, I hadn’t. I couldn’t have. He was dead.
I wiped my clammy hands on my pajamas. My insides trembled with adrenaline.
I tried to make myself think logically. It was probably tree branches hitting the house and just sounded like someone knocking on my door.
I waited for the knocking to come again so I could pinpoint where it came from, but the house was silent now.