Riley Robinson has no choice – she is literally running for her life. Seconds away is former SEAL Pierce Jordan driving to meet her. With barely any time to spare, she leaps into a car and they race to safety. How is it in these moments of stark fear Riley can think about having a MIDNIGHT CARESS or two with her rescuer?
Pierce Jordan drives hellbent for leather to get Riley to safety but was already intrigued when he saw the long-legged beauty racing from the building. Even the shooting by the mercenaries she barely escaped from has him worried, but he is concerned about losing his heart.
MIDNIGHT CARESS is the third Women of Midnight book by Lisa Marie Rice and is riveting. Her characters are unique but realistic even in the heat of danger and romance. Riley is above the charts in smart as far as computer savvy goes and fits in well with the queens. These women are fellow hackers, her friends, and helping her prove that the video that got her boss killed is a fake. If they can’t get anyone to believe it – and believe that she isn’t a traitor too – the world will see a war with China explode in their faces.
The romance in MIDNIGHT CARESS is by necessity an instant nearly off the charts – in for the moment kind of thing, but with depth that tells you if they survive, it will survive. And of course, this has suspense, action, military, romance, and you can guess it will have a HEA. Getting there is the adventure!
Jacob Black (from past books by Ms. Rice) offers help with security and getting Riley to a meeting with some bigwigs. He is also there to give a hand getting the bad guys – a security/mercenary group that was getting a bit too big for their britches and thinking the head of the group was too powerful to fall. But really, if you have read any of the Midnight books, you know Jacob and how powerful he is.
MIDNIGHT CARESS is an incredible read that will keep you turning the pages, a steamy romance that may be a bit "in the heat of the moment," but it is for real. As a fan, I enjoyed being able to visit with the Midnight men – especially new father Metal, who will give you some moments of new parent memories.
Lisa Marie Rice's books can be summed up in one word — addictive!" — Katie Reus
They’ll kill for what’s in her head….
Riley Robinson is in deep trouble. She’s the only one who knows that a video that could catapult the world into full-scale war is just a deepfake, but someone out there will stop at nothing to silence her. Soon, a whole company of ruthless mercenaries is running her down. The only one in her corner is Pierce Jordan, a lone former SEAL that her friends sent to help her, but one man is enough. One hard-eyed, hard-bodied, extremely sexy, extremely capable man. And he’ll do anything to keep her safe...
Over his dead body…
Pierce Jordan was sent by friends to protect a computer nerd girl in trouble. Turns out the nerd girl is a brilliant bombshell, and the trouble could burn the world to the ground. She’s way out of his league, but it’s up to him to protect the knowledge in her gorgeous head, keep her from getting slaughtered, and convince the world that she’s telling the truth—all while fighting a raging hunger that could destroy them both…