Mabel Skinner has no intention of becoming a garlic farmer. In fact, all she wants to do is settle her aunt’s estate and get back home so she can code her apps in peace. Unfortunately, it’s harvest time for the garlic and everyone wants some of her Aunt Peggy’s garlic from the Stinkin’ Stuff Farm. Mabel’s guilt over her limited contact with her aunt pushes Mabel into helping with the harvest, even as rain is coming and threatens to destroy the vast majority of the garlic. Meanwhile, Mabel isn’t buying the cause of her aunt’s death as accidental, but she’s struggling with suspects as everyone reportedly loved Peggy. Did someone murder Peggy for her garlic?
SIX CLOVES UNDER is the first book in the Garlic Farm series, and wow, what a great way to kick things off! Mabel is a bit standoffish, but her character is what makes SIX CLOVES UNDER so darned funny! Her irritation with the birds in the morning (and subsequently the cats) had me in stitches. Introverts like myself will thoroughly appreciate her distaste for hugs and her appreciation for solitude, even as the townspeople worm their way into her heart.
I love seeing a tech-savvy person like Mabel learn to appreciate some of the aspects of the farming life, particularly right now when I’m trapped behind a laptop for work and yearn to be outside gardening. I’ve tried to grow garlic before so the amount of work and methodology that went into Peggy’s garlic farm wasn’t a real surprise to me. SIX CLOVES UNDER is one of those cozy mysteries that will make you want to go outside and dig in the dirt to start your own garden.
SIX CLOVES UNDER is a spectacular start to what promises to be a fun series! Mabel is a refreshing change of pace from the typical cozy mystery heroine--she is an introverted loner who really doesn’t want to be around people. . . until she does. Gin Jones has hooked me with this entertaining and surprisingly charming cozy mystery. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
App developer Mabel Skinner is about to discover something rotten on her late aunt's garlic farm—and it's not the compost heap . . .
Mabel doesn't know a stinkin' thing about garlic farming. She knows how to develop an app and how-to code. But when her aunt, Peggy Skinner, dies suddenly, Mabel inherits her Stinkin' Stuff Farm in western Massachusetts. She arrives during peak harvest time—with three days to bring in the entire crop before rain can destroy it.
But Mabel has an even bigger problem: she suspects her aunt's “accidental death” was murder. As she digs for both garlic and clues, Mabel must contend with a mysterious crop thief, a rival garlic grower her aunt was suing, and a farmer who was after Aunt Peggy's green-thumb secret. It's up to Mabel to crack the code on a killer, before she joins the garlic bulbs six cloves under . . .