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When You Find Out The World is Against You

When You Find Out The World is Against You, April 2017
by Kelly Oxford

Dey Street
310 pages
ISBN: 006232277X
EAN: 9780062322777
Kindle: B0166IZMYI
Hardcover / e-Book
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"Thought Provoking Essays"

Fresh Fiction Review

When You Find Out The World is Against You
Kelly Oxford

Reviewed by Kristen Donnelly
Posted February 15, 2018


Essays about how awkward life is, essays that will make you laugh, essays that will maybe make you feel not alone as a lady navigating the casual sexism that imbues every waking moment. Kelly Oxford is a known humorist for a reason, y'all, and she shines in WHEN YOU FIND OUT THE WHOLE WORLD IS AGAINST YOU. The best essay, by far, is the last one, where she explores the day she created the #yesallwomen moment on Twitter.

I remember that day, clearly. Professionally, I'm a researcher and I focus on women, religion, violence, and sexual assault. I had heard the stories shared on that hashtag for nearly every day of my professional life and was so tired of trying to convince others that they were true. To watch the millions of women put their pain into 140 characters wrecked me and energized me at the same time.

Learn more about When You Find Out The World is Against You


Kelly Oxford likes to blow up the internet. Whether it is with the kind of Tweets that lead Rolling Stone to name her one of the Funniest People on Twitter or with pictures of her hilariously adorable family (human and animal) or with something much more serious, like creating the hashtag #NotOkay, where millions of women came together to share their stories of sexual assault, Kelly has a unique, razor-sharp perspective on modern life. As a screen writer, professional sh*t disturber, wife and mother of three, Kelly is about everything but the status quo.

Perfect for anyone who ever wished David Sedaris and Mindy Kaling would just finally write a book together already, When You Find Out the World is Against You is filled with the biting, wise, and laugh-out-loud insights that have won Kelly legions of fans. Whether she’s detailing her obsession as an eleven-year-old with going to camp so she can become a “kissing bandit,” exploring the bittersweet boredom that so often accompanies parenthood, calling out the insanity of a posse of internet poodle vigilantes, writing bracingly about the anxiety that has plagued her as long as she can remember or taking us to ride shotgun as she stalks her husband on an accidental date with another man, When You Find Out the World Is Against You is Kelly at her most honest and disarmingly funny best. Her comedic skill, down-to-earth voice, and bull’s-eye observations on the absurdity of modern life mean there is nothing quite like seeing the world through Kelly’s eyes.

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