TANGLED UP IN TINSEL is the third book in Candis Terry's
Sunshine Creek series. Even though there is a
bit of
family drama in TANGLED UP IN TINSEL that has obviously
carried over from previous books, this story works well
as a standalone novel. This is a story about family, and
the joy and heartbreak one can bring. This family-centered
story meshes well with a holiday theme as well.
Parker Kincade and Gabriella Montani are both incredibly
driven and talented chefs. They know what it feels like
to be under enormous pressure, and have fathers whose
decisions have left lasting scars. Candis Terry tells an
engaging story that balances the high drama with a fun
and sizzling romance.
Having TANGLED UP IN TINSEL told from alternating
perspectives gives the reader a wonderful understanding
of the two major characters. At the start of the story,
Parker is merely Gabriella's prospective employer. Some
heated flirting later, and they give in to their mutual
attraction. What starts out as something casual and
strictly physical soon evolves into something more.
Gabriella and Parker gradually get to know each other,
and an unintentional emotional bond is formed. This
couple is such a great match primarily because of how
similar they are -- both their strengths and secret fears.
I love how Gabriella exudes both confidence and
vulnerability at the same time, while always staying true
to who she is. It's that mix of confidence, intelligence,
and beauty that make her so irresistible to Parker. Both
characters are realistically flawed and complex.
TANGLED UP IN TINSEL is a story with passion, amazing
food, and great storytelling. Having never read the
previous books in this Sunshine Creek series, reading
TANGLED UP IN TINSEL makes me eager to check out Jordan's
story in A BETTER MAN. I look forward to Candis
next Sunshine Creek book.
Meet the Kincade brothers: they’ll go to any lengths to
protect their legacy—but what happens when love gets in the way...?
As if the holidays weren’t stressful enough, Parker Kincade
has a restaurant to open. The fact that his Groomzilla
brother wants the place for his perfect Christmas wedding
doesn’t help. Then there’s the stunning woman who appoints
herself his new chef before he’s ready to hire one. But one
look at Gabriella Montani has Parker reassessing needs vs.
wants. And that’s before he tastes what she has to offer…
Gabriella doesn’t need to get tangled up with a sexy man.
What she needs is a job and a chance to prove herself. A
place in Parker’s kitchen could give her the opportunity
she’s been waiting for. The heat between them is sizzling,
but a place in his bed could be downright dangerous. Neither
Christmas nor men have ever lived up to her expectations,
but Parker has soulmate written all over him. Should Gabi
let herself be swept up in his holiday magic, or will it
disappear before Christmas Day?