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Last Chance Summer

Last Chance Summer, August 2013
Last Chance #5.5
by Hope Ramsay

Grand Central Publishing
Featuring: Amanda Wright; Grant Trumbull
60 pages
ISBN: 1455549037
EAN: 9781455549030
Kindle: B00BL3P5DW
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"Fun and games at the Watermelon Festival"

Fresh Fiction Review

Last Chance Summer
Hope Ramsay

Reviewed by Clare O'Beara
Posted August 16, 2013

Romance Contemporary | Novella / Short Story

This short story captures attention with a slice of delicious, juicy watermelon on the cover. The annual Watermelon Festival is upon the folks of quiet Allenberg County, and they're determined to have a good time before summer ends. Amanda Wright is among them, with her small son and her grandmother, whose mind is slipping but whose body is spry. Amanda's husband was shot in Afghanistan so her son Ethan, almost five, has no man in his life.

LAST CHANCE SUMMER introduces Grant Trumbull, a professional radio broadcaster who has bought the local station and turned it around. Grant covers the festival himself and chuckles with the local matchmaker on air that he's available for dates. Amanda hasn't met the man, but she likes listening to his voice. Her late grandfather used to be a broadcaster, and she's well aware that often faces and voices don't match. Ethan keeps nagging her to go to the Lost and Found, where Grant will be later on, but equally he whines about the Ferris wheel, which makes Amanda giddy with fright. With her grandmother offering to crochet watermelon scarves and towing them around the fair, it's not very relaxing for Amanda. Then the stand where Granny was sitting loses her while Ethan and his mother are at the pet show, and an announcement is played for her. Ethan declares that they'll find her at the Lost and Found....

Hope Ramsay has written several books set in Last Chance and this short is a good introduction to her style and characters. She gets thoroughly into the mind and logic of the young boy and we see that Amanda has had so much to cope with that she has given little thought to her own happiness. The author writes very well and we also get an excerpt from one of her books. LAST CHANCE SUMMER is an enjoyable read which encourages us to hope that better days are just around the corner.

Learn more about Last Chance Summer


It wouldn't be summer without the Watermelon Festival, and single mom Amanda Wright is looking forward to a carefree day eating funnel cakes and sipping sweet tea. But with her inquisitive son and elderly grandmother in tow, she's not in the mood for carnival rides or the kissing booth, until she hears a charming, funny voice over the loudspeaker.

Grant Trumbull is the new DJ at the local radio station, and his deep, booming cadence has all the ladies of the church auxillary atwitter. Even without seeing his face, Amanda can't help but wonder if he's the one for her. When she finally comes face to face with the man behind the mic, summer is about to get a whole lot hotter in little Last Chance, South Carolina.

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1 comment posted.

Re: Fun and games at the Watermelon Festival

love the review. I always like books that have several in the
Sharon Salituro 10:19am August 29, 2013)

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