Napoleon? Thievery? Royalty? What an amazing plot is that?! THE
EMPEROR'S CONSPIRACY is a romantic Historical Fiction with a
twist of
Charlotte Raven is a strong smart and savvy woman. Once a lowly
chimney sweep who was taken in by Lady Catherine Howe,
Charlotte still
feels for her friend and ex Luke Bracke, even though he is
now involved in
a major crime organization. Luke is dark and mysterious and
Charlotte has
a deep and complicated history with him.
But soon, Charlotte meets Lord Edward Durham, who is a
secret agent for
the Crown. The two share a strong and intense attraction,
and can't seem
stay away from each other. But suddenly Charlotte finds
herself caught up
in a conspiracy against England. Where does her heart lead
her? Where
does her mind lead her?
I find it so fascinating that that real facts and historical
events were worked
into this story. It was done seamlessly, and every part of
it felt so real. The
characters are so fully developed and the setting and
background story are
a perfect complement to each other.
THE EMPEROR'S CONSPIRACY is full of conflict and tension,
both from within Charlotte's own
mind and from the circumstances she finds herself surrounded
by. It was
so difficult to put this book down once I picked it up. I
cannot wait to read
more from Michelle Diener!
Set in early nineteenth-century England, this vivid and
romantic historical novel goes from the most elegant
ballrooms of London to the city’s most tawdry slums, as a
spirited young woman helps unravel a plot by Napoleon to
bleed England of all its gold. Through good fortune,
Charlotte Raven escaped the poverty of the London slums and
is now an educated, wealthy Society lady. But she lives
between two worlds, unable to completely turn her back on
her old life—specifically Luke, her childhood protector and
now a ruthless London crime lord.
When Lord Edward Durnham is asked to investigate the
alarming movement of gold out of England, his search leads
him to London, and his recent acquaintance with Charlotte
affords him access to a dark world he barely knew existed.
As they delve deeper into the underbelly of London, danger
lurks at every turn, and Charlotte must navigate between her
two worlds to save England. And soon she faces a defining
choice: to continue in the familiar limbo she’s lived in for
years, or to take a painful and risky leap toward a
happiness she never thought possible.
Thank you for the lovely review~ Can't wait to read "The Emperor's Conspiracy"~ sounds like a Wonderful read! Happy Reading~ Cheers~ Elizabeth (Elizabeth MacGregor 8:56am April 20, 2013)