Computer programmer Camilla Novak works at the University
and lives in geek central, an apartment complex housing many
of the university's brilliant, single, and socially awkward
male scientists. Cami is happy to be one of the complex's
social hubs, feeding the guys and joining in their gaming.
She's quietly controlling the stalker-like habits she's
developed towards her handsome but clueless next door
neighbor and friend, Ivan Reynolds. He's pretty rigid about
his routine so she knows when she can join him in the garden
or catch him as he starts and finishes his run.
When Ivan faces a tricky situation at work he turns to Cami
for help. His job may be in jeopardy if he can't manage the
social graces, particularly when it comes to fundraising.
As Cami comes up with lessons to teach Ivan the how and whys
of social interactions she learns that it's best to tap into
something that Ivan understands well. What she inadvertently
stumbles into is Ivan's dominant nature that he primarily
displays in the bedroom with a submissive. That take charge
seduction skill can come in very handy in any social setting
if done right. When he starts applying it in the bedroom
with Cami, it's done very, very right.
THE THEORY OF ATTRACTION is fun and sexy. It could be
difficult to like Ivan given his rigidity and
literal-mindedness but Delphine Dryden infuses him with a
sexy, albeit geeky, charm. Though at times clumsy given his
social weaknesses, his caring and respect for Cami is
evident. For her part, Cami is confident, straightforward,
and strong. The way they the slip into the
dominant/submissive relationship feels natural. Though Cami
is the submissive, she never comes across as weak. Ivan's
intellectual approach to understanding human interaction is
sweet and I enjoyed watching that light bulb go off as he
figured out how to make it work.
Camilla can set her watch by her hunky rocket-scientist
neighbor who jogs past her window each day. She relishes
each glimpse of his shirtless abs, and is dying to see more.
But it's hard to connect with a man who doesn't seem to know
she exists...
Ivan feels at home in the lab, not in social situations.
When he finally approaches his attractive neighbor, it's not
for a date—he wants tutoring in how to behave at an
important fundraiser. Ivan doesn't expect the chemistry
between them to be quite so explosive, and is surprised when
Cami actually accepts his proposal to embark on a series of
Cami soon discovers Ivan's schedule isn't the only thing he
likes to be strict about—he needs to be charge in the
bedroom as well. She's shocked at how much she comes to
enjoy her submissive side, but wonders if a real
relationship is in the equation...