When Harry Dresden woke up dead, he wasn't quite sure what
to expect. Hell and brimstone? White lights and angels?
In life, he has known both already, but little did he expect
to be put back to work to find his own murderer. Now he has
to investigate his own death, find his killer, and stop
three people whom he cares about from being destroyed.
As a ghost, Harry finds he must rely on others to do the
physical work for him and he finds that since his death,
those he held dear have changed. As is typical Harry
Dresden, he feels responsible for fixing everything that has
gone wrong for those around him, as well as solve his own
murder. So what does the fact that his apprentice may have
lost her mind, his best friend is in league with the
criminal underworld, and wraiths are attacking the living
have to do with Harry being dead? And can he save the
living around him, before it's too late?
Jim Butcher has once again struck gold with Ghost Story,
lucky number thirteen in his Dresden Files series. Not
often can a writer kill off his main character and keep the
series fresh and alive without the character being a
vampire, but Mr. Butcher has done just this. He has a
talent for carrying the reader from beginning to end with an
urgency to find the answers and save the innocent as strong
as his own character's. The wit is still sharp, the mystery
multifaceted, and energy high throughout the complete story,
with an ending that will surprise and make you thump
yourself on the head at the same time, because, come on;
it's a Dresden File.
If there is an author that defines urban fantasy, it is Jim
Butcher, and the series is the Dresden Files. Everyday
Chicago, where a private eye is also a wizard, the
supernatural lurks behind our sight and the only thing
standing between it and us, is Harry Dresden, dead or alive.
When we last left the mighty wizard detective Harry Dresden,
he wasn't doing well. In fact, he had been murdered by an
unknown assassin.
But being dead doesn't stop him when his friends are in
danger. Except now he has nobody, and no magic to help him.
And there are also several dark spirits roaming the Chicago
shadows who owe Harry some payback of their own.
To save his friends-and his own soul-Harry will have to pull
off the ultimate trick without any magic...