Samantha Fairchild is earning money to go to Harvard Law
School by working at a fancy Boston restaurant. But one
night she witnesses a high-profile murder in the wine
cellar and is even more horrified to see the killer take
the security camera, which she knows shows her image.
Sam contacts Vivi Angelino, a good friend and an ambitious
reporter, hoping to learn what's going on in the case after
the local cops prove less than helpful. Instead of finding
Vivi in her apartment, however, Sam runs into Zach, Vivi's
brother. The two of them had shared an all-too-brief,
passion-filled three weeks before he had gone to the Middle
East. She had heard nothing from him since. Now, scarred on
the outside and probably within, he seems like a completely
different man, but Sam has few options left. She
reluctantly accepts his protection, hoping to keep things
professional between them -- just a bodyguard and client --
despite the treacherous longing of her heart that he might
still have feelings for her. But there's little time to
talk about the past, or the future, with a killer on the
loose and Sam as his next target. She and Zach must use all
their energy and focus just to stay alive.
Few writers do romantic suspense as well as Roxanne St.
Claire. The plot barrels along at a breakneck pace,
pausing only for a few quiet moments and some hot sex that
will leave readers as breathless as the action will. Zach's
adopted family members all pitch in to help at some point
and provide a wealth of entertaining and interesting
characters, and the killer is seriously creepy. Sam,
despite her fear, proves to be strong and resourceful, not
a cowering victim, and Zach is a hero that any reader would
want on her side in a bad situation. This is a rocket-
powered start to what should be an exciting series.
Samantha Fairchild witnesses a murder in the wine cellar of
the restaurant where she works, the Harvard-bound law
student becomes the next target of a professional assassin.
Desperate for protection the authorities won't provide, Sam
seeks help from Vivi Angelino, an investigative reporter who
recruits her brother, Zach, to protect Samantha.
A Special
Forces vet with the scars to prove he's equally fearless and
flawed, Zach takes the job, despite the fact that he and Sam
once shared a lusty interlude that ended when he left for
war and disappeared from her life. Now, as they crack a
conspiracy that leads to Boston's darkest corners, Sam and
Zach must face their fears, desires, and doubts, before a
hired killer gets a second shot...