The sexually alluring vampire Ophelia Beliveau owns
Beliveau Landscaping and spends much of her time in her
garden. Finding her garden vandalized, she calls the police
and gets the hunky Bayou Gavotte police officer Gideon
O'Toole. Ophelia has found that no man is able to resist
her once she turns on the allure. Her sister, Violet, and
niece, Zelda, are also vamps.
As Gideon's sister, Artemisia, and a friend seek help from
Ophelia to uncover their blackmailer, the bodies begin to
pile up and suspicion is centered on Ophelia. Gideon is not
immune to her sexually magnetic pull, but is finding his
attraction a genuine and lasting one. Ophelia avoids all
men...except her strong pull to Gideon. Sex with Ophelia is
unlike anything he has ever experienced. When Zelda and a
young neighbor girl disappear, the fangs come out and her
natural instincts take over.
The story is interesting, but I found it somewhat hard to
follow, at first. The characters were interesting and
individualized, to say the least. It took a little bit to
get into the story, but once there, it became more
Being irresistible sucks. Ophelia Beliveau learned that at
puberty. When her friends grew breasts, she sprouted fangs
as well. The effect on boys was even more dangerous.
Ophelia's peril has only increased. As a woman, there's
been only one solution, but she can’t avoid men forever.
Solitude satisfies no craving, and now her self-imposed
exile must end. A vandal has destroyed her garden. A web
of blackmail and murder is being woven across town, with
Ophelia at its heart. And then there’s Gideon O’Toole, a
detective sworn to uncover more secrets than she thirsts
to bare...