The new year has brought author Victoria Dahl to a new path
in her writing
career. After several historical novels she has penned a
contemporary story,
TALK ME DOWN. I'm sure that her fans and others who might
not have yet
discovered her, but who are die-hard historical fans will be
disappointed to
hear that, but for those of us who are die-hard contemporary
fans it's good to
know that we have a new talent to be on the look out for.
Molly Jennings has moved to Tumble Creek for several
reasons, but mostly to
escape Cameron Kasten, an ex boyfriend who she believes to
be sabotaging
not only new potential relationships, but her secret career
as an erotic writer
as well.
It doesn't take Molly long in Tumble Creek to again cross
paths with the chief
of police Ben Lawson. Ben and Molly were high school
sweethearts, and while
neither seems to have forgotten the attraction they felt for
one another, there
is history between them to overcome, not to mention the fact
that Molly is
hiding her current career from Ben.
As the story unfolds and danger seems to be surrounding
Molly Ben finds
himself very frustrated. He's torn between wanting to
protect her, and being
angry with her for not being totally honest with him.
As I read TALK ME DOWN I was torn between wondering if I was
getting a
romantic comedy, or a romantic suspense. In the end I was
satisfied with the
conclusion, but was disappointed that I didn't feel more of a
connection to the characters.
I don't blame my lack of connection to the characters on Ms.
Dahl, but rather
on my lack of reading time at the time. There was enough
between Molly and Ben to have me interested in how their
story played out,
and since the story was well concluded I would be more than
interested in
reading Ms. Dahl again should she continue writing
contemporary romance.
Molly Jennings might look like the girl next door, but she
has one naughty little secret: her job. Molly is a very
successful writer of erotic fiction. Until her inspiration
runs dry—thanks to a creepy ex—and she decides it’s time to
move back home to tiny Tumble Creek, Colorado.
Tumble Creek doesn’t have much going for it, but one look at
luscious chief of police Ben Lawson, who starred in her
girlhood dreams, and Molly is back in business. But while
her fantasies are pouring out on paper, the town gossip is
buzzing at her door and, worse yet, a stalker seems to be
watching her every move. Thankfully, her very own lawman has
taken to coming over, often. The only problem now is that
Molly may have to let the cat out of the bag about her
chosen profession, and straight-laced Ben will definitely
not approve…