INTO THE STORM is the first book in the "Destoryermen"
Trilogy by Taylor Anderson. It follows the events that
occur at the start of World War 2 in the Pacific on a US
Naval destroyer, the USS Walker. It's the opening days of
the war and things are not going well for the Allies in the
Pacific. The Japanese have decimated the Allied Fleet some
of the most outdated ships in the Navy are being pressed
into hard service. The USS Walker is among the survivors,
but her luck seems to be running out.
During a battle off the coast of Borneo, the Walker takes
cover in a rain squall. While in the squall something
happens that defies understanding, it seems that the Walker
and her sister ship the Mahan have been transported to
somewhere else. What becomes clear is that the trip they've
just taken hasn't carried them through time or space, but
instead to an alternate version of Earth where humans never
evolved to become the dominate species on the planet. As
they gather their wits they make contact with the two races
that have achieved intelligent command of the seas. It's
then that they realize that they've left one world at war
for another.
The characters that make up the crews of the Mahan and the
Walker are right out of the war movies of the 50's. The
story, pacing and characters all have that "black and white"
feel of the old cinema experience. There's the strong,
silent captain, the power hungry hot-shot, the curmudgeony
comic relief and of course the beautiful nurse with the
heart of gold. This is Run Silent, Run Deep, The
Caine Mutiny and Enemy Below crossed with
Jurassic Park. It's a story worthy of the Outer
Limits series -- dusted off and nicely updated. If you
were a fan of the Turtledove World War series, you should
enjoy this as well. The accuracy of the WWII technology
with the fanciful, "what if" approach makes for an
entertaining story.
Pressed into service when World War II breaks out in the
Pacific, USS Walker--a Great War-vintage
"four-stacker" destroyer--finds itself in full retreat from
pursuit by Japanes battleships. Its captain, Lieutenant
Commander Matthew Patrick Reddy, knows that he and his crew
are in dire straits. In desperation, he heads
Walker into a squall, hoping it will give them
cover, but emerges somewhere else...
Familiar landmarks appear, but the water teems with vicious,
monstrous fish. And there appear to be dinosaurs grazing on
the plains of Bali. Gradually Matt and his crew must accept
the fact that they are in an alternate world--and they are
not alone. Humans have not evolved, but two other species
have. And they are at war.
Walker, with its steam power and weaponry, could by
its very existence alter the balance of power. And for Matt
and his crew, who have the means to turn a primitive war
into a genocidal Armageddon, one thing becomes clear. They
must decide whose side they're on. Because whatever side
they choose will be the winner...