Kate Campbell knows much about her enemy, the MacGregor
clan. Indeed, she's heard about their evil ways all her
life, especially their leader, Callum MacGregor, known as
The Devil. When her clan is attacked by an enemy clan,
Kate, no simpering miss to be sheltered in the background
when her home is invaded, puts forth a valiant fight.
Weakened by a fierce battle and ready to meet her death
with honor, Kate is rescued by an unfamiliar man, a
Highlander who shelters her until the battle is over.
Kate's gratitude and clear admiration for his bravery turns
to fury when she learns it is Callum MacGregor who's saved
her. Kept as hostage now and using her as bait to lure her
uncle out into the open, Callum and Kate are forced
together and in time begin to see in each other traits
never expected. Callum is drawn not just by Kate's beauty,
but equally her courage and determined strength to defend
her family. Kate witnesses a rare smile, a hearty laugh, a
tender touch so human that she begins to question if there
is any truth to his demonic reputation. All these things
and more begin to transform their hatred for each other.
But Callum's memories hold a torturous past and Kate bears
the grief of murdered loved ones. Generations of bloody
feuding and sworn oaths of revenge are not easily
forgotten. In the end, love may not be enough.
Seventeenth-century Glen Orchy, Scotland, is the setting
for Paula Quinn's latest tale of love, passion and
all that's medieval. Clan enemies, the hero and heroine are
equally matched in determination to defend their families,
and in the beginning, neither seems able to bend. The
author, however, does an excellent job of revealing in a
timely manner the traumatic events that shaped each of
their young lives, especially that of the hero. And with
this revelation, a beautiful transformation begins to take
place that will hold your interest from the first page to
the last. Enhanced by dialogue with just a hint of Scottish
burr, you'll see why these two must fall in love.
High-born though she is, Kate Campbell isn't afraid to draw
her sword.When raiders strike, she rushes into the
fray...and is lucky when a mysterious Highlander shields
her from a deadly blow. Swept onto his stallion, she soon
discovers that her rescuer is her clan's most hated enemy:
Callum MacGregor, the man they call The Devil. Yet she
cannot ignore his achingly tender touch or the way his
fiery gaze leaves her breathless.
Callum MacGregor has taken many Campbell lives, but he's
never saved one--until now. Mesmerized by this spirited
lass, he wants her by his side, even if it means holding
her for ransom. As his fingers graze her sumptuous curves
and tangle in her unruly tresses, Callum realizes Kate
Campbell is his most dangerous foe of all. For he can't
make love to her without betraying his kinsmen and his
honor...and surrendering his heart forever.