Rain Tairen Soul, King of the Fey and the most powerful Fey
living, embarks on an epic quest to save both his people
and the tairen, the winged cats of the Fading Lands. Their
lives are dependent on one another, as neither species can
exist without the other -- they are soul-kin. At the
directions of a Fey Oracle (the eye of truth), Rain travels
to the human city of Celieria -- a place Rain knows all too
well, and loathes. His mate Sariel was killed there in an
ancient and bloody war. Mad with grief, Rain killed
thousands and destroyed half a world. Now, after centuries
in exile, Rain prepares to rejoin the world.
Ellysetta Baristani, the adopted daughter of a woodcarver,
sees and fears the magic within her. Not understanding her
gift, she hides it. But Rain sees her as she is. He
knows her and claims her as his truemate. Ellie's
fairy-tale ending comes at a terrible price. She goes from
being a peasant to being noticed, and all that noticing
isn't a good thing. Dark forces are at work in the world.
Things are converging -- evil things -- and they have a plan.
The enemy has regrouped and rearmed and now Rain and Ellie
have become the focal point for its dark attention.
I had a tough time starting LORD OF THE FADING LANDS, but
now for the life of me, I can't say why. Once I got into
it, I could hardly put it down. The romance and fantasy are
well-balanced. There's a lot of focus on establishing the
relationships in this book (the first in a series), and
there's an interesting story/myth arc. I look forward to
seeing where Wilson takes the story in her next book, LADY
OF LIGHT AND SHADOWS, coming in November 2007.
Once he had scorched the world.
Once he had driven back overwhelming darkness.
Once he had loved with such passion, his name was
Now a thousand years later, a new threat calls him from
the Fading Lands, back into the world that had cost him so
dearly. Now an ancient, familiar evil is regaining its
strength, and a new voice beckons him--more compelling,
more seductive, more maddening than any before.
As the power of his most bitter enemy grows and ancient
alliances crumble, the wildness in his blood will not be
denied. The tairen must claim his truemate and embrace the
destiny woven for him in the mists of time.