February 11th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Excerpt of Hiatus by L.A. Witt


Samhain Publishing
July 2016
On Sale: July 19, 2016
Featuring: Nate Keller; Cam; Theo
244 pages
ISBN: 1619235765
EAN: 9781619233409
Kindle: B01BH48BSK
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Also by L.A. Witt:

Roped In, January 2020
Hiatus, July 2016
What He Left Behind, August 2015
The Tide of War, July 2015
Paperback / e-Book
No Place That Far, February 2015
The Walls of Troy, October 2014
General Misconduct, August 2014
The Only One Who Matters, March 2014
The Only One Who Knows, January 2014
The United & The Divided, October 2013
Meet Me in the Middle, August 2013
Hardcover / e-Book
If It Flies, March 2013
Take It Off, February 2013
Hardcover / e-Book
Quid Pro Quo, January 2013
The Closer You Get, November 2011

Excerpt of Hiatus by L.A. Witt

“The Riverside Hotel, please.”

The cab driver punched it into his GPS, turned on the meter, and pulled away from the fairgrounds. The enormous parking lot had mostly cleared out, but there were still a few people making their way back to their cars, so I kept my baseball cap pulled over my eyes. As much as I adored my fans, and still couldn’t believe they’d recognize me—never mind mob me—I had somewhere else I needed to be tonight.

In my lap, I turned on my phone and texted my boyfriend, Cameron.

Leaving now. Be there in 20.

Then I turned the phone over and grinned in the darkness. Cam and his husband, Theo, had flown in this afternoon. I hadn’t seen them in three weeks—not since they’d met me like this at another hotel in another city—and I’d been climbing the walls every night. Skyping, texting, and e-mailing only did so much to make up for the lack of physical contact while I was out on tour. For the last seven months, I’d been on the road, only occasionally dropping back into LA, and in between, seeing them whenever they could meet me. Seven months down, at least five to go, assuming more dates weren’t added again.

Technically, we had an open relationship. Especially while I was out on the road, they had no problem with me hooking up with other guys. The same went for them. The only rules were we had to use condoms with other people, and with each other if we’d been with anyone else.

In practice, though, they were monogamous except for me, and despite the option being open, I hadn’t touched anyone. My band thought it was hilarious—now that we’d actually made it big and could act like the rock stars we’d always thought we were, I was practically celibate. Go figure.

But I didn’t want anyone else. For the last four and a half years, the only men I’d touched were the two who’d welcomed me into their bed and their marriage. I was one lucky bastard too. They were sweet, generous, and both were dynamite between the sheets.

Didn’t hurt that they were gorgeous too. They were different, and yet somehow complemented each other. Fair-skinned Cam, who never managed to get any color despite living in Los Angeles. Theo, who could tan just looking at a photo of a beach. They both worked out and looked the part, and even though they’d long ago left the world of high-powered investment banking, they still looked that part too. Theo kept his dark hair short and professional. Cam looked studious and serious whether or not he had on his glasses. Small wonder they’d caught my eye that first night, since they’d both been wearing shirts and ties.

I shivered. God, those two were the reason business attire had been invented.

My phone buzzed. I turned it over, and Cam had written back.

Rm 1128. See you soon.

I put the phone down again and rolled my stiff shoulders. I was seriously tempted to ask him for a massage tonight, but damn it, he hadn’t come here to work. He and Theo were here so we could fuck each other senseless, which would tide us over until the next tour stop where they could meet me.

Excerpt from Hiatus by L.A. Witt
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