August 1979
The late afternoon sun glared down upon the floating dock,
baking the wooden plank surface and the three sunscreen-
slathered teenagers who lay upon it, their feet dangling
in the water. For the moment, the three of them were alone
in the small inlet, the speed boat having taken another
run up the length of the reservoir, pulling skiers in its
Opening her eyes, Erika James glanced at the brown hills
that surrounded Lucky Peak Reservoir, noting how little
time was left before the sun slipped beyond them. Maybe a
couple of hours at most.
She wasn't ready for the day to end.
She wasn't ready for the summer to end.
But she couldn't stop either of those things from
happening any more than she could stop her boyfriend,
Steven Welby, from leaving Boise tomorrow, headed for his
first year at the University of Oregon in Eugene.
Her sixteen-year-old heart was breaking. No, it had
already broken. She wanted to curl up and die.
She rolled her head to the right to look at Steven. His
dark brown hair, still damp from his last turn behind the
boat, was plastered against his scalp. He'd worked for a
lawn maintenance company all summer, and his skin had
turned golden brown, the tan emphasizing his newly-defined
As if sensing her gaze upon him, he smiled but didn't open
his eyes. Her heart tumbled and her pulse raced.
Erika had fallen in love with Steven the moment she first
laid eyes on him. That had been last September, the third
week into her sophomore year at Borah High. She'd been
heading from her second period algebra class to her third
period biology class and he'd been walking toward her.
Anna Smith had nudged Erika and said, "Wow! Look at him.
Wouldn't I just die to have him ask me out?"
Steven Welby. Senior Class President. Track star. All-
around athlete. Probably the most popular student in the
school. What girl wouldn't just about die?
Steven hadn't asked Anna Smith out. He'd asked Erika
instead. They'd been going together for the past ten
months, neither of them dating anyone else again.
Considering the short leash Erika's dad kept her on —
11:00 P.M. curfew with no exceptions, not even for school
dances; no unchaperoned parties; no out of town
excursions — Erika thought it amazing Steven had stuck
around for a month, let alone ten of them.
"You guys thirsty?"
Erika rolled her head to the left.
Dallas Hurst sat up, squinting despite his dark-colored
Ray-Bans. "I'm gonna swim over and see what's left in the
cooler. Want me to bring you something?"
"Nothing for me," Steven mumbled, sounding as if he'd been
Erika shook her head. "I'm okay, too."
Dallas was Steven's best friend, had been since they were
in first grade, and the two of them were almost always
together. Because of it, Erika spent nearly as much time
with Dallas as she did with Steven. There were probably
some people who didn't know for sure which of them was her
But Erika never would have fallen for Dallas. Not that he
wasn't charming or good-looking. In fact, he was too
charming and too good-looking. He always had girls hanging
around him, flirting with him, hoping to become his
girlfriend. Erika didn't think he'd dated the same girl
more than two or three times since she'd known him. Dallas
was a player. He didn't waste himself on girls who wanted
anything more than a good time.
Dallas stood, stretched, then dove into the water and swam
toward shore.
Erika turned her head back toward Steven. His eyes were
open now, and he was watching her. She felt that wonderful-
terrible fluttering sensation in her stomach.
Oh, yes. She loved him. Loved him more than life itself.
And she was scared because he was going away. He was going
away without promising he would return to her, without
asking her to wait for him. He would spend his days with
pretty, sexy college girls.
Had she made a horrible mistake, refusing him when he'd
wanted more from her than kisses?
"Come here," he commanded gently.
She rolled onto her right side and into his waiting
embrace. He pulled her close, kissing her, slow and sweet,
and she wished for another day, another week, another
month before he went away. Maybe if she had more time she
could make him say he loved her, make him ask her to wait,
even make him propose.
Steven drew back slightly, ending the kiss. "Oregon isn't
so far. I'll come home for holidays, and we'll see each
other then."
"Thanksgiving is three months away."
"It'll go fast."
"No, it won't," she whispered, afraid she might cry. "I'm
going to be so lonely."
He kissed the tip of her nose. "Dallas'll be here. The two
of you can get together."
Erika didn't believe it would happen. Dallas would have
his hands full with the coeds at Boise State. He wasn't
going to have time to spend with Steven's old girlfriend,
a mere junior in high school.
Besides, it wasn't Dallas she wanted to be with. It was
Steven and only Steven. But he was going away in the
morning, leaving her behind with her broken heart.
Erika was certain she'd never be happy again.
Chapter One
June, twenty-three years later
"Oh, Steven! Ethan would love it." Erika Welby stared at
the automobile-a 1955 red-and-white Chevy Bel Air with
pristine whitewalls parked in the car dealership's
showroom. "It looks like the one you had in high school.
But can we afford it?" She glanced at her husband.
Steven jerked his head in the direction of the garage
door. "Ask them. They're the buyers."
Erika whirled about to find Dallas and Paula Hurst
standing near the open doorway, both of them grinning like
Cheshire cats.
"Don't refuse," Paula pleaded. "We want to do this."
"You know we love the kid." Dallas draped his right arm
around Paula's shoulders. "It'll be a great surprise for
his birthday."
It would, indeed. Ethan had wanted a car of his own since
obtaining his driver's license last year. This one, an
exact replica of the car Steven had owned at the same age,
would be his dream car. But with college expenses looming
on the horizon and a single-income budget, Erika wondered
how they would ever pay for it.
"Aren't you the one who's always saying it's more blessed
to give than to receive?" Dallas lifted an eyebrow,
challenging her. "Are you going to rob us of this
A part of Erika wanted to resist. A part of her hated the
idea ofbeing indebted to Dallas Hurst for any reason. She
had her reasons. Plenty of them. But she'd trained herself
years ago to pretend those reasons didn't exist.
Besides, she knew Dallas and Paula could afford to buy the
car. They didn't have children, and both of them were
successful professionals in their respective fields-Dallas
in computers and Paula in real estate development. Dallas,
Ethan's godfather, had always doted on the boy. Would it
be so wrong to accept his generous offer?
Erika looked at Steven again. His hopeful expression
reminded her so much of their son that she had to grin.
Steven turned toward his best friend. "Okay."
The two men let out identical whoops and stepped toward
each other for a high five. Then they headed off to strike
a deal with the salesman.
Paula's laughter drew Erika's gaze. "Do you suppose
they'll ever change?" Paula said.
"Never." Erika shook her head.
They were alike in countless ways, those two men. Over the
years, they'd played baseball together, tormented their
sisters together, learned to golf together, been sent to
the principal's office together-just to name a few things.
They'd never lived more than five miles apart, with the
exception of the time Steven was away at college. When
Steven and Erika got married, Dallas had served as best
man. And Steven had returned the favor years later.
But they were different, too, and Erika often wished the
two men weren't friends at all. There were times when she
hated the thought of seeing them together, of listening to
their good-natured male banter, of knowing they shared
things she couldn't be a part of.
The truth was, Erika was never completely at ease with
Dallas. Perhaps because she knew things about him that
were better forgotten. And so, as usual, she made the
choice to forget, tucking unpleasant thoughts away in some
dark corner of her mind.
Paula interrupted her thoughts by asking, "Is this as much
like Steve's old car as the guys say it is?"
"Yes." Erika turned toward the automobile. "It's
identical. Could be the same one, for all I know." She ran
her fingertips along the driver's side door. "Steven kept
his car shining clean, like this. He was so proud of it.
He worked hard to earn the money to buy it."
A frown puckered her forehead. Would the car mean more to
Ethan if he had to work for it the same way his dad had?
"Oh no!" Paula exclaimed. "Look at the time. I've got an
appointment in twenty minutes. I'll never make it if the
lights aren't with me. Tell Dallas I had to run." She
raised her hand in a half wave. "See you Saturday." Then
she hurried away, her high heels clicking against the
concrete floor.
Feeling suddenly dowdy compared to Paula's ultrachic,
ultrafit image, Erika stared after the younger woman.
Paula Hurst-thirty years old, petite, slender, and as
pretty as any cover model with her short red hair, cat-
green eyes, and pouty lips-lived a high-paced life, a
wireless phone in one hand and an electronic organizer in
the other. Since the first day Dallas introduced Paula to
the Welbys, Erika had never seen her look anything but
totally put together-makeup on, hair perfectly coifed,
nails manicured.
"I haven't been totally put together since Ethan was
born," Erika muttered as she turned toward the Chevy.
Seventeen years. How was it possible Ethan was about to
have his seventeenth birthday? Where had the time gone? It
seemed only yesterday since she'd cradled that squalling,
red-faced newborn in her arms; only a moment since she'd
sat in the rocking chair at 2 A.M. and watched him nurse;
a second in time since she'd worried about fevers, coughs,
and spit-up, healthy baby check-ups, and keeping current
with immunizations. When did her baby boy get to be big
enough to ride a bike, let alone drive a car?
"I'm going to be blubbering in another minute," she
whispered to herself as she closed her eyes. Thank You,
Lord, for the gift of my son.
She released a deep breath, the brief prayer making her
feel better. And not a moment too soon.
Steven jingled the car keys as he reentered the
garage. "Sweetheart, we got it. Wanna drive into the
foothills and smooch awhile? No bucket seats in this
"Oh, sure. That would set a good example for Ethan,
wouldn't it?" But her refusal couldn't dim the pleasure
she felt at her husband's suggestion. Truth was, after
eighteen years of marriage, Steven still made Erika go
weak in the knees. "Besides, you've got to get back to
"It's a mighty nice day for a drive," he cajoled. "I could
play hooky."
"Is this car for Ethan-" she playfully punched him in the
arm-"or are you trying to relive your wild and woolly
youth, Mr. Welby?"
He grabbed her and pulled her close. "Both."
Then he kissed her.
August 1979
As Steven's Chevy rolled to a stop at the curb in front of
her house, Erika fought tears. "Here we are," Steven said
She looked toward the house. "Yeah."
"Sorry the movie was such a drag."
"It was okay." She turned to look at him. "I like
everything when I'm with you."
He put his right arm around her shoulders. "Me, too." He
kissed her temple.
"I wish you weren't going," she whispered, unable to stop
"Hey, you'll be so busy with school, you'll probably
forget me in a month."
She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I won't forget you,
Steven. I love you."
"I know." This time he kissed her on the lips.
She clung to him, feeling desperate. It hurt that he
hadn't said he loved her, too. She knew he cared. They'd
been together almost every day this summer, and he'd
always treated her special. But he'd still never said he
loved her.
Steven broke the kiss just as it was beginning to steam
up. "I'd better get you inside," he said hoarsely.
In that moment, she wished she hadn't told him no all
those times when he'd wanted more from her. She knew it
had been the right thing to do, but still ... If only
she'd given in to his desires, then he would have said he
loved her. If only she hadn't been so afraid. If only ...
Steven opened the car door and got out, then held a hand
toward her.
She was crying now, tears sliding silently down her cheeks
as they walked toward the front stoop, still holding
hands. The porch light, moths fluttering around it, cast a
yellow glow on the narrow sidewalk.
"I'll be back for Thanksgiving," Steven said.
It didn't help. This was August, the nights warm and alive
with the sounds of crickets. Thanksgiving was in cold and
silent November. It seemed a life-time away.
"I'll write to you, Erika."
"Promise?" she whispered.
Reaching the house, he stopped and turned toward her,
placing his hands on her shoulders. "I promise." He
smiled. "You're gonna write to me, too. Right?"
She nodded, her throat too thick with emotions to speak.
Don't leave me, Steven. I love you. I need you. Don't go.
Please don't go. Say you love me. Say you'll never leave
Just as Steven leaned forward to kiss Erika again, the
front door jerked open. In unison, the couple turned
toward it.
"It's after eleven," Erika's father said gruffly.
"Hi, Mr. James," Steven replied. "Sorry I got Erika home
late. The movie ran a bit long."
Her father grunted as he scowled first at Erika, then at
Steven faced Erika again. "I've gotta go."
"I know," she mouthed, but no sound came out.
"You take care," he said softly. His beautiful blue eyes
seemed to offer tenderness, encouragement, hope. "You tell
Dallas if you need anything. Okay?"
She nodded, blinking hard to stop the tears.
Steven kissed her lightly on the lips, then strode away.
"That was some show you were giving the neighbors,"
Erika's father snapped. "I won't stand for it, girl. You
understand me?"
"But, Dad, we didn't-"
"Get inside. Now!"
She wanted to turn and run after Steven. Instead,
shoulders slumping, she followed her father into the
Excerpted from Firstborn by Robin Lee Hatcher Copyright
© 2002 by Robin Lee Hatcher