‘I was hoping you’d be able to help me. I’m looking
for my baby.’
Casey Edwards has demons to put to rest. Since she had to
give away her baby at 15, she’s been lost in booze and bad
company. But now she wants to find her child and put things
Heading to Soho, Casey meets former gangster Vaughn Sadler,
an old-school hard man who can still handle himself – and
anyone else. There’s a spark between Vaughn and Casey but
she can’t let herself get hurt, not again.
To find the truth, Casey must enter the dark world of
London’s gangland: hard drugs, vice, even people
trafficking. Soon she discovers that mob boss Alfie Jennings
and sadistic psycho Oscar Hardings are plotting something
dangerous, something brutal. Something that puts Casey – and
her child – in serious trouble . . .