The Twelve Kingdoms Novella
Author Self-Published
March 2016
On Sale: March 6, 2016
Featuring: Prince Cavan; Princess Natilde; Nix
82 pages ISBN: 0152909249 EAN: 2940152909241 Kindle: B01CO8F4WE e-Book Add to Wish List
A dark fairytale retelling of a princess robbed of rank,
husband and even her name.
Nix is nothing. The Princess Natilde—her former waiting
woman—attacked her on the journey to wed Prince Cavan,
stripping her of everything and taking her place. With no
serving skills, Nix becomes a goose girl. Perhaps if Nix
keeps her promise never to reveal who she really is, Natilde
won’t carry out her vile threats. Prince Cavan entered his
arranged marriage determined to have a congenial, if not
loving relationship with his future queen—for the sake of
both their kingdoms. But, his wife repels him more each day
and he finds himself absurdly drawn to the lovely Nix.
With broken vows, anguish and dark secrets between them,
Cavan and Nix struggle to find the magic to restore what’s
gone terribly wrong… if it ever can be.