Best Friends with Benefits
Candy Sloane
Seven minutes in heaven never felt so good...
Most Likely To #1
Entangled Brazen
March 2016
On Sale: March 14, 2016
Featuring: Valerie Barkin; Alec Rogers
ISBN: 1633755789 EAN: 9781633755789 Kindle: B01C2SQ5EM e-Book
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Romance Contemporary
Valerie Barkin and Alec Rogers survived bullies, awful
parents, and seriously shitty social standing the only way
best friends can—together. But with the unexpected sexual
tension suddenly flaring between them, surviving their
ten-year high school reunion might be a different story… Val hasn’t changed. She still feels like the stringy-haired
band geek the popular kids teased, but Alec has definitely
changed. He’s now the front man for the Grammy-winning rock
band Chronic Disharmony, with the sexual reputation to
match. And he’s more than willing to help Val rock the reunion. And then it happens—a drunken game of Seven Minutes in
Heaven—and their fourteen-years-long foreplay comes crashing
to the forefront…changing everything. Seven minutes turns into a weekend of mind-blowing,
no-strings-attached sex. But these best friends won't be
able to leave their hearts out of it forever, not when the
most meaningful benefit could change their relationship for
No awards found for this book. Most Likely To
22 comments posted.
Re: Best Friends with Benefits
I never went to a class reunion... (Colleen Conklin 12:57pm March 22, 2016)
I never went to a high school reunion. My friends then are my friends now, and I have no curiosity about the others. (Deb Philippon 1:39pm March 22, 2016)
I have not attended a class reunion. (G. Bisbjerg 1:44pm March 22, 2016)
I used to be married to my best friend, and I had lots of "benefits", but then our lives took a turn and we divorced...such is life. We were of the era of "sex, drugs and rock and roll"...one of us grew up...one of us didn't! I have since turned into a hermitess and would like to know what "7 minutes in Heaven" is like again. Maybe if I win this I will be feeling angelic by the end! (Melody Kaufman 9:10pm March 22, 2016)
So awesome! I have not ever played seven minutes in heaven and have yet to attend my high school reunion. I am looking forward to it though. Instead of seven minutes in heaven, we played spin the bottle and a game called "sex dice" that I only played once. ;) Thanks for the blog. I enjoyed it. (Jeri Daniel 11:15pm March 22, 2016)
I haven't gone to a high school reunion. This book sounds totally hot and I would love to read it. Thank you for the synopsis and giveaway. (Tanja Dancy 6:47am March 23, 2016)
didn't go to the 10 year class reunion and the 20th was cancelled due to not enough people wanting to shell out 75 a ticket (Angela Parrish 2:26pm March 23, 2016)
I went to one class reunion and will never go to another . The ones that I was curious about that lives out of town were all big time snobs and still are . The ones that still live in our small town are the only ones that are nice and friendly . Soooo will never go again . The ones I care about are right here in this town with me . (Joan Thrasher 2:29pm March 23, 2016)
I'm British, reunions are not a thing we do. (Jen Barnard 6:42pm March 23, 2016)
i wouldn't want to go to a high school reunion anyways everyone in my school sucked. lol (Dana Hopkins 9:50pm March 23, 2016)
I used to go to high school reunions but they were just like high school. Snobby people. (Linda Harrison 10:49am March 24, 2016)
I went to my "16" year reunion. They combined it with the year after me, which was their 15 year reunion. No one from my class showed up and I only knew a few people. (Heather Hardy 1:26pm March 24, 2016)
I went to a couple of reunions, but won't go to anymore. (Wilma Frana 9:15pm March 24, 2016)
I've never been to a high school reunion...although I'd like to, just to catch up with old friends. (Kathleen Bylsma 6:09pm March 25, 2016)
I went to my 10 year reunion, but we didn't have anything in common. (Kv H 8:44pm March 25, 2016)
At my 15 year class reunion, several of us drank too much...myself included, and apparently I made out with one of guys from my class. I totally forgot about it and when we had our most recent reunion (53 years) he reminded me of it. I asked him then, why didn't we ever go out in high school? And he said most of the guys were afraid of me because I was so smart. His words, not mine. (Karen Haas 8:52pm March 25, 2016)
Never been! (Beth Elder 9:40pm March 25, 2016)
I haven't been to my high school reunion. I don't think I'll be going to any future ones because I keep in touch with my close friends and we have our own events. (Leni Kaye 5:37pm March 26, 2016)
I'll join the not-me crowd-- I-- oh, wait. My last year of high school I went to an arts academy, and I did go to one of its multi-year reunions. It was strange to encounter legends of the academy who'd become stockbrokers, movie techs, and one somewhat busted star. (Mary Ann Dimand 10:04am March 27, 2016)
I went to my 10 year and never again. Everyone was so stuck up and shady. Made for a bad time. They acted like they didn't even know you! (Terri Rinko 1:21pm March 27, 2016)
Best thing that happened is I reunited with one of by best friends from high school and now twenty years later we still keep in touch. (Denise Austin 1:52pm March 27, 2016)
None of my friends showed up. So the other people were in their own groups . Once people started to drink they were more open to everyone. (Deb Pelletier 9:30pm March 27, 2016)
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