Originally Published August, 1986
April 2001
Featuring: Jeremy Walker; Belinda
464 pages ISBN: 0425176657 Trade Size (reprint) Add to Wish List
Jeremy Walker is a fortyish children's book artist and he
is enchanted with sixteen-year-old Belinda, who he meets
at one of his book signings. Belinda seduces him and then
leaves, leaving Jeremy obsessed with her and with
capturing her image in his paintings. Belinda reappears
and wants Jeremy to fall in love with her, she longs for
the grounding she thinks that will provide. Jeremy
captures her image in a photograph and sleeps with her.
She disappears again. Jeremy finds her and shows her two
of his nude paintings of her, but promises he will never
show them. This upsets Belinda and she runs off, but later
calls in panic.
Jeremy bails her out of a police investigation and is
recognized. He realizes his career has become stale and
longs for something else where he feels he is not being
evasive. Jeremy continues to paint Belinda and tries to
find out more about her, though she will tell very little
beyond she wants to be allowed to be herself. But then,
the pieces begin to fall together and he finds that
Belinda is historied and complicated, even at the age of
16. Belinda discovers his probings and leaves him. Then
Jeremy discovers that she too has betrayed him and in a
startling twist he learns more than he ever thought he
would about Belinda. The twist prompts Jeremy to free
himself and Belinda, even though it will destroy his