Brendan Waddell needs a place to recuperate. Lauren Everman
needs a place to hide. It’s going to be an unexpectedly
romantic Christmas at Bluebird Ranch.
Brendan Waddell has always considered Bluebird Ranch a
little piece of heaven: an idyllic ranch that pairs abused
children with abused horses, run by one of his old Marine
buddies. Now, recovering from an on-the-job injury, Brendan
thinks the ranch is the perfect place to spend Christmas
healing up.
When Lauren Everman was a seventeen-year-old foster kid,
Bluebird Ranch was the safest place she knew. Now it’s the
perfect hideout for a woman on the run. As the witness to a
murder, Lauren needs somewhere to lie low, and her skill
with horses means she’ll be able to lend a hand with the
troubled kids at Bluebird—without answering too many questions.
Lauren’s rich hair, high cheekbones, and dark eyes
immediately get Brendan’s attention—but so does her
secretive behavior. This Special Ops Intel man knows a woman
on the run when he sees one, and he’s not about to let her
put Bluebird Ranch at risk.
But as Brendan and Lauren get to know each other, their
suspicions evaporate and romance starts to sizzle. But this
would-be couple has more to worry about than each
other—there’s a killer on the loose who wants Lauren kept quiet.
All Is Bright
A romantic, Christmas wedding at her seaside hotel gives
Delilah a chance to shine with her unique gifts. But will
her light be snuffed out before the bride and groom say “I do”?
As manager of the Tidewater Inn, Delilah Carter has been
planning a spectacular Christmas wedding for her friends at
the grand hotel overlooking the ocean. While picking up
still more twinkly lights and some last-minute groceries for
the reception dinner, a huge truck runs her off the
freezing, wet roads into the dark night. Her car stops just
short of an enormous tree and the truck speeds off into the
night. Delilah escapes with her life and has almost
convinced herself the whole thing was an accident, but then
she begins to receive threatening phone calls. With the
wedding just hours away, she’s distracted and anxious. Then
Sheriff Tom Bourne stops by the inn and volunteers to help.
Tom has always had a soft spot for Delilah, and he’s
determined to protect her. But he is pulled away by a
bizarre Christmas stunt that has the neighborhood reeling,
and Delilah is attacked again.
Will Delilah have to cancel the Christmas wedding at
Tidewater Inn? And will Tom’s protection be enough to save
Delilah from the shadowy figure looming in the background?