Wisdom's Daughter : a Novel of Solomon and Sheba
India Edghill
Wisdom's Daughter is a retelling of of the timeless biblical tale of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
November 2005
On Sale: November 15, 2005
Featuring: King Solomon; Bilquis, Queen of Sheba; Princess Baalit, King Solomon's Daughter
432 pages ISBN: 0312289405 EAN: 9780312289409 Kindle: B0089VSXGK Trade Size / e-Book (reprint)
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This is the tale of Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba, she who
rules the spice lands, she who grants justice alike to
men and women. She bows before the will of the Goddess. This is the tale of Solomon, the King of Israel and
Judea, he who built the golden temple to Yahweh in
Jerusalem. Once he prayed that he might rule wisely. This is the tale of Solomon's wives, of his concubines
... and of Baalit his daughter, more beloved than any
son. Here are their voices, their mysteries, and their
secrets. Here they sing their songs and weave their
tapestries. Journey now with Queen Bilqis to Jerusalem and the court
of King Solomon. Some say that the ruler of Sheba desires
to test the king's wisdom; others, that she wishes to
bargain with him for trade and spices. Yet others whisper
of love. None suspect what prize she truly seeks. Come, venture with the caravans to hear a tale soft as a
caress, sweet as spiced wine, hard as a stone cast at a
harlot. Come, hear the Song of Solomon and Sheba....
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