The First Sin, July 2021
Paperback / e-Book
Mysterious Ways, June 2015
Cold November Rain, March 2015
Sins of the Father, January 2015
Genesis, January 2015
Kingdoms of War, July 2014
Women of War, February 2013
Child of War - Rising Son, November 2012
Obsession, March 2012
Child of War-A God is Born, October 2011
The Heart of War, November 2010
Dream Weaver, July 2008
Moon Mistress Publishing
July 2014
On Sale: June 29, 2014
541 pages ISBN: Kindle: B00LEVJAJ6 e-Book
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Romance | Paranormal
With nearly four billion souls lost to the ravages of
anarchy and the
dreaded disease Major Falls, Ares and Raven journey the
Mortal World vainly
reaching for a sliver of what was only to discover what will
be. Unleashed
by Apollo, Major Falls—a weaponized version of the flu and
rabies-- has
wiped out every person of watery Mortal Blood. From the fiery wreckage a new world is slowly arising one
where the
descendants of Olympians, Celts, Dark Fae, and all manner of
Magickal Being
will rule. For the last millennium the Dark Kingdom has sent
small legions
of its Daughters in search of its Lost Queen. Among their
number is Lenora,
a sharp tongued Dark Fae who joins up with ARES hoping to
get close to its
leader, Raven. And she does. The Wolf inside the God of War contracts Major Falls. As
Ares and Athena
wander the world hoping to curtail further damage by
obliterating weapons
of mass destruction he slowly succumbs to the sickness
taking over his
fevered rabid mind. Ares may not live to see the glory of
Olympus restored
nor fight to keep his Wife. If he does, how high will be the
price for
Ares' life? How long will Alena have to keep paying Apollo
even once Ares
is crowned King of Olympus?
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