Le French
October 2013
On Sale: October 6, 2013
Featuring: John; Luc; Victoire
309 pages ISBN: 1939474949 EAN: 9781939474940 Kindle: B00G53931S Trade Size / e-Book Add to Wish List
A fast-paced combination of environmental catastrophe,
geopolitical stakes, freelance spies and Bond-like action.
The Arctic ice caps are breaking up. Europe and the East
Coast of the United States brace for a tidal wave.
Meanwhile, former French intelligence officer John Spencer
Larivière, his karate-trained, steamy Eurasian partner,
Victoire, and their computer-genius sidekick, Luc, pick up
an ordinary freelance assignment that quickly leads them
into the glacial silence of the great north, where a
merciless war is being waged for control of discoveries that
will change the future of humanity.