Bad boy Meet Bad Girl
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The Collector Trilogy, Dante Walker #2
Entangled: Teen
September 2013
On Sale: August 27, 2013
Featuring: Dante Walker; Aspen; Charlie Cooper
352 pages ISBN: 1622660161 EAN: 978162266016 Kindle: B00BQMMT7S Paperback / e-Book
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Fantasy Urban | Young Adult Paranormal
Dante has a shiny new cuff wrapped around his ankle, and he
doesn’t like that mess one bit. His new accessory comes
straight from Big Guy himself and marks the former demon as
a liberator. Despite his gritty past and bad boy ways, Dante
Walker has been granted a second chance.
When Dante is given his first mission as a liberator to save
the soul of seventeen-year-old Aspen, he knows he’s got
this. But Aspen reminds him of the rebellious life he used
to live and is making it difficult to resist sinful
temptations. Though Dante is committed to living clean for
his girlfriend Charlie, this dude’s been a playboy for far
too long…and old demons die hard.
With Charlie becoming the girl she was never able to be pre-
makeover and Aspen showing him how delicious it feels to
embrace his inner beast, Dante will have to go somewhere he
never thought he’d return to in order to accomplish the
impossible: save the girl he’s been assigned to, and keep
the girl he loves.
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