Colton's Dangerous Liaison, January 2021
Paperback / e-Book
Colton 911: Detective on Call, September 2020
My Evil Valentine, February 2014
Heroes for the Holidays, November 2013
Sandman, November 2013
Bulletproof, October 2013
Double Vision, October 2013
Veil of Justice, September 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Invasion of Justice, September 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Justice Incarnate, September 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Shadows to Light, September 2013
The Bodyguard's Vow, April 2013
The Matchmaker's Curse, March 2013
The Matchmaker's Mark, September 2011
Tracking Shadows, July 2011
Missing, February 2009
A soldier is nothing without his honor.
Unknown Identities #1
Getaway Reads
October 2013
On Sale: October 17, 2013
Featuring: John Noble; Amelia Bennett
ISBN: 1492840696 EAN: 9781492840695 Kindle: B00FQ7A408 e-Book
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Suspense | Romance Suspense | Thriller
To avoid a dishonorable end to his decorated military
career, John Noble made a deal with the devil. He gave up
his name, endured harrowing training, and accepted every
mission thrown at him for one purpose: redemption. When he accepts his latest orders, providing personal
security for a reporter in trouble, he bargains hard to
guarantee it will be his last job for the shadow agency he
knows only Unknown Identities (UI). An ambitious reporter, Amelia Bennett, is about to break the
story of her career, if she lives long enough to tell it.
Caving to her boss's demand, she hires a bodyguard and soon
it is obvious John Noble is the only obstacle standing
between her and certain death. Just when John believes he has found someone he can trust
and love, who loves him unconditionally for who and what he
has become, his orders are amended: Amelia Bennett is to be
terminated. Introducing Unknown Identities: an alternative for elite
soldiers and spies facing criminal charges... if they can
survive the program. Don't miss Double Vision, the next
installment of this sizzling, action packed series.
No awards found for this book. Unknown Identities
49 comments posted.
Re: Bulletproof
There are times that a book like this is exactly what I need. Though I cant always find it on my kindle when that mood strikes. But I just took care of that. Next time, Bulletproof is there now. :-) Sounds like a terrific story. (Lisa Hutson 12:54pm November 13, 2013)
Your book sounds great. Would love to win your book. Thanks for a chance to win. (Linda Hall 2:07am November 13, 2013)
I enjoy books with dark bad boys especially from the military. I know this book I would really enjoy!!! Thanks so much (Bonnie Capuano 5:36am November 13, 2013)
The whole attitude of service and honor is great, and the abs never hurt either! (Janette Oldham 6:08am November 13, 2013)
this sounds really good i would love a copy of this book thanks so much (Denise Smith 8:03am November 13, 2013)
Thanks, Lisa, Linda, Bonnie, Janette, and Denise for chiming in so early. Love it! Good luck to all of you! (Regan Black 8:23am November 13, 2013)
I love the attitude. Their honor and nothing gets in their way. (Sue Brandes 9:21am November 13, 2013)
Military Heroes know what needs to be done and then do it. Read your excerpt and it sounds like a great book. Will definitely be on my "to read" list. (Sharon Extine 9:49am November 13, 2013)
I read this book. You guys have to read it! It's such a good book!!! (Vicki Hancock 9:52am November 13, 2013)
The fact that they are honorable and do what's needs to be done. (Crystal Young 10:05am November 13, 2013)
I admire the commitment and loyalty. (Sue Farrell 10:08am November 13, 2013)
It's all about attitude. (Roxana Perez 10:11am November 13, 2013)
Their loyalty and that take charge attitude. (Jean Patton 10:17am November 13, 2013)
The confidence to get the job done there's something sexy about a man in charge. :) (Theresa Norris 10:40am November 13, 2013)
The integrity, courage and their attitude which is to be admired. (Sharon Berger 10:54am November 13, 2013)
Who doesn't like bad boys? Sounds like a great read and will certainly look for it. (Vennie Martinisi 11:11am November 13, 2013)
The abs and the attitude are fun but the dedication and confidence tend to really get me. (G. Bisbjerg 11:24am November 13, 2013)
Thanks for the recommendation, Vicki H! :) (Regan Black 11:24am November 13, 2013)
What I like best about Military Heroes is their determination. They don't give up, because they were trained to face danger, and find a way to deal with it. Some choose to sacrifice their lives for the cause, while others will use every ounce of their being to finish the job. I suppose you could call it grit as well. Your book sounds like an excellent read, and I'm really looking forward to reading it. Thank your Husband for me for his service to our Country!! (Peggy Roberson 11:29am November 13, 2013)
All your comments are wonderful. There is something so marvelous about a man with confidence, right? Y'all are making my day :) Good luck to each of you in the contest. (Regan Black 11:44am November 13, 2013)
I admire their willingness to put themselves on the line to protect others, their teamwork, their loyalty. (Diane Sallans 12:17pm November 13, 2013)
I love their strength, confidence, honor, etc... (Colleen Conklin 12:17pm November 13, 2013)
Would remind me of my own military days and what we went thru. (Julio Herrera 12:27pm November 13, 2013)
Thanks for your service, Julio! (Regan Black 12:34pm November 13, 2013)
I like that even though they have done something for us and put themselves on the line they are the last ones wanting anyhting such as a medal or even the older vets visiting wa now they are so shy and have so many memories and we should of welcomed them home with alot more love. My next door neighbor had noone waiting for him he got a cab walked down his long driveway and when he told me i flipped his wife was inside doing things she shouldnt and i just think that is so wrong. Here they are going thru so much not knowing if this is their day and they are treated with no respect sad .My husband was in the guards for 8 years but he signed up for the military property tax deduct and they told him he had to be active for 1 day . (Peggy Clayton 1:02pm November 13, 2013)
I would like to give this book a read. (Tina Lechuga 1:18pm November 13, 2013)
22i love their attitude like Jack Reacher or Harry Bosch (Patricia Lambert 2:03pm November 13, 2013)
I love books about military heroes, because we have so many real-life heroes fighting for our country! Your book sounds wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win!!! (Linda Brennan 2:14pm November 13, 2013)
Love military heroes! (Michelle Schafer 3:29pm November 13, 2013)
Awesome books! (Malinda Chaney 3:53pm November 13, 2013)
There are many qualities we admire about military men-- loyalty, self-discipline, and commitment are 3 that jump immediately to mind, and are traits I want in any hero! (Janet Martin 5:03pm November 13, 2013)
I like their strength, their protectiveness, their honor...and their muscles. ;) (Marcy Shuler 5:25pm November 13, 2013)
I enjoy any books about military heroes and their courage and commitment fighting for our country. My father served in the Navy aboard a large battleship during WWII. I read a book one of his fellow crewmen wrote called Pacific War Diary, 1942-1945: The Secret Diary of a American Sailor by James J. Fahey last year. My father wanted to write a book also, but never did after this one came out. It brought a whole new light to me as to what these men endure for our country. It was strictly against rules and regulations to document anything daily in a diary as to what took place during wartime (but Fahey did and kept it hidden). (Linda Luinstra 7:23pm November 13, 2013)
Always a gentlemen. Everything else is just icing on the cake. ;-) (Deb Pelletier 7:25pm November 13, 2013)
Wow, Congrats on your new book: BULLETPROOF. I like the book cover too! Yes, congrats on being an army wife and honoring your husband and lots of military heroes that protect our lives all the time. We appreciate you writing about them in your books and I would love to win and read your new book this Fall. Thank You very much. Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 8:18pm November 13, 2013)
I love military books! This sounds awesome! (Jennifer Grimm 9:06pm November 13, 2013)
Can't wait to read BULLETPROOF. (Jennifer Richardson 9:38pm November 13, 2013)
Hot guy! (Callie Stuck 9:49pm November 13, 2013)
I love their honor, strength (body and mind), and dedication. (Janie McGaugh 10:15pm November 13, 2013)
I'm a fan of those formal in uniform pictures they all seem to take. All the guys in my family who have been in the military have taken those pictures and looked so sharp. (Laura Gullickson 10:17pm November 13, 2013)
I love their physique and that code of honor they are carrying around. (Kai Wong 10:31pm November 13, 2013)
I really enjoyed reading your post! (Chelsea Brooks 11:28pm November 13, 2013)
I love their code of honor and their willingness to sacrifice everything for all of us. The hot body that comes with the constant workouts doesn't hurt either. :-) (Glenda Martillotti 11:28pm November 13, 2013)
Book sounds great. My oldest grandson is my military hero, just because he chose to serve his country for six years. (Sheila True 11:35pm November 13, 2013)
Love their honor, courage and code of honor. (Mary C 12:15pm November 14, 2013)
Sounds like a great book. (Melanie Backus 12:27pm November 14, 2013)
I like the sense of being on the edge of danger that the military entails plus finding in some their softness and vulnerability especially when it comes to the fairer sex. (Alyson Widen 8:42pm November 14, 2013)
I love everything - no wrong answer. (Mary Preston 5:33am November 15, 2013)
Having been in the military for several years, I can say that you feel proud to serve your country when you put that uniform on. A true hero is not puffed up with his own importance but is humble and says he was just doing his job. Of course, having a great body never hurts either! (Linda Harrison 8:52am November 15, 2013)
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