Baden-Powell's Beads #2
Author Self-Published
April 2013
On Sale: April 11, 2013
290 pages ISBN: 1482546949 EAN: 9781482546941 Kindle: B00D2145PU Paperback / e-Book
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The mystery of the beads continues.
Homeland Security agents, Patrick Dartson and Adnan Fazeph,
are at their base in Washington D.C. when a beautiful,
Mediterranean seductress, Cheri Hassan, confronts them about
the Zulu beads. One day later, Patrick receives a panicked
call from Memphis nurse, Pam Blanchard, concerned that a
dangerous and sexy woman is asking for Dr. David Freeman, a
holder of the Zulu bead. Freeman receives a cryptic letter
from England, strongly requesting an audience.
All roads lead to London where we learn more of the beads'
history and how they came to South Africa. What do Arabs
working through Scotland Yard want with them? How and why
are the Rastafarians involved? Why would someone pay Cheri
one million pounds per bead? What makes them worth the life
of one of our four heroes? And why are those hunting the
beads so anxious to get them out of London?
No awards found for this book.
Interviews for Baden-Powell's Beads: London
Q&A With Author Paul D. Parsons on Baden–Powell's Beads: London Baden-Powell's Beads: London May 27, 2013
22 comments posted.
Re: Baden-Powell's Beads: London
Great comments and advice. Digging inside myself to find the discipline to write everyday at the same time is much harder than I ever thought it would be. Like you said some days the screen stays blank in front of me and others the words almost magically flow. (Angee Bartlett 2:21am July 30, 2013)
I can't imagine the perseverance to get through writing a book. It is an amazing commitment. (Pam Howell 8:37am July 30, 2013)
Your commitment and devotion to writing is to be admired and how fortunate so many can enjoy your books. Best wishes and much success. (Sharon Berger 9:24am July 30, 2013)
Wow - thank you for sharing this with us - if enthusiasm for reading alone was all one needed to write, then I would be a prolific author - LOL - however, such is not the case, obviously. The discipline and dedication required is amazing; thank you for stepping out and sharing your talent with us! (Felicia Ciaudelli 9:55am July 30, 2013)
Great advice! :) I'll pass on the link to my friends for sure! (May Pau 10:15am July 30, 2013)
It's wonderful that you took the time to give some added advice to those of us that would love to write, and aren't sure which way to turn, and what lies around the corner once they get started. I, myself have a book in mind, as well as the discipline, should I decide to write. Once the book is written, I don't know where I would go, because I don't have another book in mind. It would only be a one-book shot. That's my whole problem. The other problem right now is that I have myself involved with another commitment at the moment, so I have to put it on the back burner (again), which doesn't thrill me. I thought about writing it out in longhand here and there when I get a few spare minutes, so that at least I can get it started, and maybe I'll be able to get it finished in between the commitment I'm involved in now. Writing has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, and I had teachers in school who even told me that I could go far, if I continued in that vein. I would also love to read your books, considering I love the setting of your books, and also love the topic. Thank you again for the advice!! (Peggy Roberson 11:06am July 30, 2013)
Great advice. Thanks for sharing. And your books sound wonderful. I truly appreciate the chance to win. But now that I've read about them, I plan to get your books to read whether I win or not. Best of luck with them - and all you do! (Nancy Reynolds 12:18pm July 30, 2013)
Thanks to all who have commented. Hang in there.. Sounds like you all have the fire in the belly required. (Paul Parsons 12:46pm July 30, 2013)
Great advice. Thanks for sharing. (Sandy Giden 3:23pm July 30, 2013)
Thank you for writing such great books. (Judy Pflueger 5:43pm July 30, 2013)
That was good advice. I am always impressed with the dedication and discipline that writers have. (Maureen Emmons 6:12pm July 30, 2013)
I appreciate the advice, I think you have to keep growing as a person, that never stops and committing yourself to things you love and believe in is such a rewarding part of being who you are! (Darci Paice 6:32pm July 30, 2013)
Thank you for taking time to advise. I wrote a children's story years ago in high school and my teacher found an interested publisher. I wrote it for my sister and she asked that I not share it. Now I regret that I did not, but am hesitant to try again. It has been many years, but your comments have helped. (Sharon Mitchell 7:49pm July 30, 2013)
I have often thought about writing a book, but have never felt confident to actually do so. How I envy your talent and appreciate your encoragement, I also have felt your pain in your critique! Please keep writing your stories. (C Culp 9:03pm July 30, 2013)
Your words are very encouraging, with good suggestions for a person wanting to be a writer. Your books sound so very exciting, the type I like to read. Thank you for this chance to win them and I hope I do. The Best To You Always, (Esther Somorai 9:11pm July 30, 2013)
Your books sound wonderful. Thank you very much for the insight into writing! (Molly Wilsbacher 9:23pm July 30, 2013)
It's always interesting to hear writers' stories - thanks for sharing. (Mary C 11:22pm July 30, 2013)
Thanks for your words of encouragement. You are right. I have spoken to some authors that are even more than happy to offer advise. I love that networking that in the world of authors, everyone is willing to share and see to each other success. All of you authors are the best. (Kai Wong 2:11am July 31, 2013)
I found this interesting. Hope to read the books soon. (Penny Mettert 4:33am July 31, 2013)
Well done for getting your work written and out. I am interested in the titles as I was a Girl Guide, so Baden-Powell catches my attention. Did you know that Scouting For Boys is the fourth best selling book in the world ever? After the Bible, the Koran and Thoughts of Chairman Mao. (Clare O'Beara 9:08am July 31, 2013)
I truly enjoyed reading how you got started writing and disciplined yourself to do it daily at a set time. I think if you're committed to something, you will succeed at it (as in any job you have a strong interest in). Your books sound great, and much success with them! (Rich Cook 6:29pm July 31, 2013)
It always seems like the writing community is so supportive. (Mary Preston 11:43pm July 31, 2013)
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