Grand Central Publishing
May 2013
On Sale: May 7, 2013
ISBN: 1455501662 EAN: 978145550166 Kindle: B008TU2592 Hardcover / e-Book
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They live among us. They are our neighbors, our mothers, our lovers. They change. When government agents kick down Claire Forrester's front
door and murder her parents, Claire realizes just how
different she is. Patrick Gamble was nothing special until
the day he got on a plane and hours later stepped off it,
the only passenger left alive, a hero. Chase Williams has
sworn to protect the people of the United States from the
menace in their midst, but he is becoming the very thing he
has promised to destroy. So far, the threat has been
controlled by laws and violence and drugs. But the night of
the red moon is coming, when an unrecognizable world will
emerge...and the battle for humanity will begin.
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