Fierce Lilia is the rarest of commodities: a female gladiator.
Placed in the arena for entertainment and expected to
perish, she has clawed her way to the top and is now the
most feared woman in all of Rome. Taught to fight and kill
without emotion, the last thing Lilia ever expected to feel
was pleasure. Or love.
But when Christus, a warrior with his own demons to excise,
is sold to the ludus that owns Lilia, she finds herself
forced to fight to stay on top—and to stay out of his
arms. Yet their blood–thirsty sport unleashes a
passion that threatens to consume them both...and unmask
them as lovers to the rest of the ludus.
When Gaius, the twisted brother of the emperor, reveals his
challenge for the gladiators: a battle to the death for the
champions of Rome, Christus and Lilia must fight to win
their freedom, their lives...and each other.