While novelist Cheryl Holt was living on the island of
Maui, she had a visitation from an angel who told her that
God wanted her to build the first soup kitchen in Hawaii.
As she’d never been a particularly religious person, the
communication seemed bizarre. When He could have chosen
anyone, why would God ask her? She was called but did not
want to answer. The project seemed too difficult to
implement, and the prospects for failure too great. In
order to convince her that God required her services, the
angel showed her a vision of her entire life, how every
step she’d taken had led her directly to Maui so that –
when the time was right – she could provide the assistance
God was requesting. The angel also showed her how many
other people’s lives had also been guided so that they,
too, would end up on Maui and ready to help. She finally
agreed and, with a horde of angels watching over her, she
walked into a storm of blessings. The community rallied to
her call to feed the hungry, and with scarcely any effort
at all, the kitchen became a reality. A decade later, with
the program still in operation and the volunteers having
served hundreds of thousands of meals, she’s finally
written her account of the phenomenal event. In this
humorous, touching remarkable story, Holt captures the
faith and charity that reside in all our hearts. She
reaffirms the message that God really is watching over us,
and that miracles happen everyday.