September 2012
On Sale: September 18, 2012
368 pages ISBN: 0062122126 EAN: 9780062122124 Kindle: B007HC3ROK Hardcover / e-Book Add to Wish List
Kate White—New York Times bestselling author, editor
in chief of Cosmopolitan for fourteen years, and
motivational speaker—shares her gutsy secrets to success in
this witty, straight-talking new career guide for women.
Whether you've just settled into your first work
cubicle and have no clue how to go after the success you
crave, or you've already got a sweet little office but you
aren't sure how to take your career to the next level, I
Shouldn't Be Telling You This gives you all the secrets
you need to become a success, go big with it, and then savor
every second. It is jam-packed with insider strategies,
interviews with women at the top of their game, and Kate's
advice from her own career running five major magazines
(including one of the bestselling women's magazines in the
world, Cosmopolitan). She hows you how to break out
of the pack, master the learning curve, make bold moves,
and, ultimately, have the career you've always lusted for!
Kate shares five secrets every woman needs to
know—how to:
• Land a Job You're Truly Passionate
About • Use "Bitch Envy" to Your Advantage • Radiate
Confidence and Get Buzzed About (Without Worrying What Other
People Think) • Ask for the Money You Want—and Get
It • Manage Your Career and Not Just Your Job (It's a
Whole Different Ball Game!)
But more than anything,
Kate says, you have to go big or go home—do what's
unexpected and always keep your career trajectory in mind.
It might be tackling a project that no one else is taking on
and nailing it—then making sure your boss knows it. Or it
might be developing a "golden gut" that will help you to
break the rules the right way, so you always end up shining.
In I Shouldn't Be Telling You This, Kate White shares
the kinds of secrets no boss is ever likely to spill—all
with her irreverent wit and candid style. You'll come away
with the know-how you need—and you'll feel as though you've
just gotten up from a fabulously dishy lunch!