Cleis Press
February 2012
On Sale: February 14, 2012
242 pages ISBN: 1573447609 EAN: 9781573447607 Kindle: B0073SY9JU Paperback / e-Book
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Erotic Anthology
"When I pick up a book of erotica," says Alison Tyler, "I
don’t want to read about 'beautiful' and 'loving.' I want to
read about sweaty and heart-stopping." Tyler indeed found
these latter qualities, in a wealth of variations, when she
collected the 27 stories for this smart, raunchy anthology
celebrating anal sex. Seasoned erotica authors explore the
pleasures of every imaginable strategy for indulging in this
popular but still taboo sexual activity. With feather-light
foreplay, tickling, teasing, and more, Luscious is a
reminder that dirty is not only not a bad word, it can also
make what happens bent over a Harley, on the Appalachian
trail, or in an anal sex classroom — some of the kinky
locales in this collection — irresistibly arousing.
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