Welcoming an Adopted Dog into Your Home
McConnell Publishing Limited
July 2011
On Sale: July 1, 2011
96 pages ISBN: 1891767143 EAN: 9781891767142 Paperback
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The latest from Patricia McConnell and Karen London, this
book should be attached to the collar of every newly adopted
dog, five months and older! So here you are, right next to a
new dog who just entered the house, and whose life history
you know little or nothing about. Now what? How do you
welcome an adult or adolescent dog into your home and
incorporate this new individual into your family? This
booklet is designed to help you ease the transition from
"new dog " to " family member" by guiding you through the
first steps of this new relationship. Love Has No Age Limit
includes information on what to do as you enter the house,
how to handle the first few days, what to do and what not to
do as you get to know each other, and tips on everything
from the car ride home to the first vet visit. It includes
advice on training and a section on solving common
behavioral problems to helps prevent the most frequent
dilemmas that people encounter when adopting a new dog.
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