Covers feeding, training, and housing parrots. All the guidance you need to choose and raise your parrot .
For Dummies
For Dummies
May 2005
380 pages ISBN: 0764583530 Trade Size
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Parrots make a wonderful alternative to the traditional
pet. They’re as loving, intelligent, companionable, and
entertaining as a cat or a dog but they surpass them by far
in many other ways. They don’t require walks around the
block, they’re perfect for apartment living, most have long
life spans, and they’re full of personality. Besides, when
was the last time you saw a vibrant blue cat or had a
conversation with a talking dog?
Whether you are just thinking about buying a parrot or
you’ve had parrots for years, Parrots for Dummies is full
of helpful information about how to be the best parrot
guardian you can be. Parrots for Dummies is packed full of
useful tips, hints, reminders, and warnings about
everything related to parrots and their care, including: Picking a parrot
Bringing a new parrot home
Parrot behavior made simple
Taming and training your bird
Travel tips
Author Nikki Moustaki, avian care and behavior consultant
and author of Parakeets for Dummies, gives you all of her
experienced advice about owning, caring for, and loving
parrots. She draws on her professional knowledge as well as
her personal familiarity with the bird to show you how to
make the most of your parrot-guardian relationship. She
includes information on: Purchasing and adopting a parrot
Proper housing and food
Parrot illnesses and diseases
Correcting behavioral problems
Living in a multiple parrot household
Breeding and showing parrots
In addition to all the help and guidance, Parrots for
Dummies comes with a full-color insert with pictures of
over 25 different kinds of parrots to help you choose a new
pet that catches your eye or find your existing pet’s
nearest relation. So whether you’re buying your first
parrot or looking for some advice about an old friend,
Parrots for Dummies has something for you.
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