Laura Windsor wants to become a mother. Gavin Maitland won't allow it.
The Heart Junction #1
Author Self-Published
August 2008
On Sale: August 7, 2008
Featuring: Gavin Maitland; Laura Windsor; \
140 pages ISBN: 1438264410 EAN: 9781438264417 Paperback Add to Wish List
1912, Heart Junction, South Dakota. Laura Windsor wants to
become a mother to an orphan girl, but Gavin Maitland
won't allow it. His civic duty requires him to place
children from the orphan train with married couples only.
As the two of them struggle to do what is best for the
girl who has won their hearts, they find a special love of
their own. But can two people at odds ever join together?
Not without breaking conventions, promises and even a few