June 3rd, 2024
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Kick off your summer Reads in June!

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Neighborly Secrets. Deadly Desires.

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A summer of friendship, forgiveness, and fresh starts.

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Can a desire for revenge lead to redemption? Free!

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Danger, wealth, revenge, power, and fear were all a part of his life.

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How can they stay rivals when they're falling in love?

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Wedding season includes searching for a missing bride�and a killer . . .

The Black Train
Edward Lee

Leisure Books
November 2009
On Sale: October 27, 2009
340 pages
ISBN: 0843962275
EAN: 9780843962277
Mass Market Paperback
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A historic bed and breakfast…or a monument to evil and obscenity? Justin Collier didn’t know the house’s lurid, shocking history when he arrived for a relaxing stay. He knew nothing about the train tracks that run behind the house, or that they once led to a place worse than hell. But he’s learning….

At night he can hear the mansion whisper. He hears little girls giggling where there are no little girls. And if he listens closely he can hear the haunting whistle of the train and the cries of the things chained in its prison cars. Each room of the house holds another appalling secret, but the greatest secret of all rides…The Black Train. tan


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