Blood Ties #4
June 2008
On Sale: June 1, 2008
384 pages ISBN: 0778325377 EAN: 9780778325376 Paperback
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Romance | Contemporary | Paranormal
I have reached my breaking point. And now I will not,
cannot be stopped. With the Soul Eater on the verge of god
status, it's time for me to take a final stand, even if it
means losing everything I love. Even if it means losing my
I've got plenty of power on my side, and some I didn't
know I could count on in the first place. But it's nothing
compared to the army of the undead the Soul Eater is
building up. And time is running out. They say that good always triumphs over evil. I hope
that's true. Because the odds aren't in our favor, and the
fate of the world is in our hands.
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