Ann Redding has taken every lousy thing life has thrown at
her and handled it very well, thank you very much. All she
wants is to get her life back on track...but that won't
happen till she makes her worried family and friends back
off by spending two weeks at Camp Kinsonu, a retreat for
suddenly single women. Now she's stuck sitting around a
campfire, singing "I Am Woman" with a bunch of sandal-clad,
makeup-boycotting women. If she doesn't get out of there
soon, they'll be sizing her for Birkenstocks.
Kinsonu, an idyllic retreat on the coast of Maine, is
supposed to be a place for new hope and new beginnings. But
Ann doesn't belong in an estrogen Eden, she belongs in a
corporate boardroom. Still, the camp has its compensations—
she's grudgingly befriended some other "inmates," including
Cindy, who honestly believes she's just killing time till
her serial-cheating husband comes crawling back. And
Martha, shy, overweight, and mysteriously silent about the
man she's there to get over.
Maybe it was fate that brought them together at Camp
Kinsonu, maybe just bad luck. But three strangers are about
to bond on an adventure they didn't ask for—and discover
that lives they thought were as good as it got could
suddenly get a lot better.