Room by Room Makeovers with Junkmarket Style
April 2008
On Sale: March 25, 2008
224 pages ISBN: 1561589810 EAN: 9781561589814 Trade Size
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Non-Fiction | Self-Help
One person's trash is another's treasure. That's a fact of
life that the Junkmarket gals know only too well. Through
their annual Minneapolis fleamarket, The Junk Bonanza, web
site junkmarketstyle.com, and tireless touring, Sue Whitney
and Ki Nassauer have helped countless devotees transform
junk into one-of-a-kind furnishings and accessories. Working
their magic on every room of the house--from kitchen to home
office--they present conversational case studies that
introduce the clients and explore their needs. With
characteristic humor in tow, they take readers through each
renovation adventure, from shopping for recycled materials
to the actual construction projects. The gals also include
complete materials lists, plus paint chips and fabric
swatches, so that everything can be recreated down to the
last delicious detail.
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