Some literary classics have been around for centuries.
Miranda Tate's just hoping to survive junior year....
Her summer reading assignment is Moby-Dick, but Miranda's
vacation hasn't exactly been smooth sailing. Between
working at her stepmother's hideous all-pink boutique, and
having broken up with her basketball champ boyfriend Ryan,
not to mention snoozing her way through one of literature's
heaviest tomes, she's almost looking forward to returning
to Bard Academy. That was before her kid sister Lindsay
smashed up their dad's Land Rover and got shipped off to
Bard herself. Is the punishment Lindsay's -- or Miranda's?
A private school staffed by the ghosts of famous dead
writers is hard enough to navigate without a freshman kid
sister in tow, but now Miranda's trying to sort out her
feelings for her brooding friend Heathcliff, who happens to
be a fictional character, while keeping Bard's secrets from
her nosy sister. And when her nemesis Parker handpicks
gullible Lindsay to be a Parker clone, Miranda knows a
storm is brewing. Then, Lindsay disappears in the
woods...and a frantic search sends Ryan, Miranda, and
Heathcliff to Whale Cove, a spot rumored to hide a sunken
pirate's ship. But something -- or someone -- even more
ominous and terrifying lurks there. Can Miranda stay the
course and save her sister?