Maggie Quinn: Girl vs Evil #2
September 2008
On Sale: August 26, 2008
336 pages ISBN: 038573414X EAN: 9780385734141 Hardcover Add to Wish List
Bloodred nails, flashing white teeth, gleaming scarlet
lips–Maggie Quinn has battled an ancient demon, faced down
psychotic cheerleaders, and saved her best friend from
certain death, but nothing can match this. Formal sorority
recruitment, otherwise known as rush. But Maggie is
determined to make her mark as a journalist . . . even if
she is living at home and attending the local university.
The only problem? The Ranger Report does not take freshmen
on staff. Rules are rules. Then again, when has that ever
stopped Maggie? After facing hellfire, infiltrating sorority
rush should be easy. Going undercover as the Phantom Pledge
will allow her to write her exposé. But when she finds a
group of girls who are after way more than “sisterhood,” all
her instincts say there’s something rotten on Greek Row. And
when Hellweek rolls around, there might be no turning back.