Lady of Light and Shadows
C.L. Wilson
Tairen Soul #2
Leisure Books
November 2007
On Sale: October 30, 2007
384 pages ISBN: 0843959789 EAN: 9780843959789 Mass Market Paperback
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Romance | Paranormal | Fantasy
Since her earliest memories, Ellysetta Baristani has feared
magic, even as she has been inexorably drawn to all things
Fey, especially the poetry and legends of Rain Tairen Soul.
Now claimed as Rain’s truemate and no longer able to deny
her own magic, Ellysetta is swept into the very center of a
struggle filled with the magic and darkness she has always
feared. The High Mage of Eld wants to capture her. The most
murderous dahl’reisen who ever lived wants her dead. And
her enemies will corrupt even the people she loves most in
their quest to claim her magic for themselves.
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