Violence and tensions along the U.S.–Mexican border have
never been higher, sparked by battles between rival drug
lords and an increased flow of illegal migrants. To combat
the threat, the U.S. has executed Operation Rampart: a
controversial test base in southern California run by Major
Richter and TALON, his high-tech special operations unit.
Their success is threatened by a drug kingpin and migrant
smuggler named Ernesto Fuerza. In the guise of Mexican
nationalist "Commander Veracruz," he causes controversy on
both sides of the border, calling for a revolution to take
back the northernmost "Mexican states"—the Southwest United
States. His real intention is to make it easier to import
illegal drugs across the border. This sets off a storm of
controversy that's being stirred to a fever pitch by a
popular rightwing radio talk show host who calls for the
complete militarization of the border. Soon Richter and his
force are reassigned to the FBI to investigate the murders
of several Border Patrol agents—a deadly mission that will
bring him face-to-face with Fuerza and set off a wave of
bloodshed that threatens to become an all-out guerrilla war.
Lurking behind Fuerza—and possibly calling the shots—is
Richter's nemesis, former Soviet nuclear forces commander
turned terror mastermind Yegor Zakharov, who is set on
revenge to the very end.