Acclaimed author Noël Riley Fitch, abetted by noted
artist Rick Tulka, serves the dish on Select, the famous
Montparnasse café that for nearly nine decades has been so
vital to Paris and its intellectual denizens: from
Hemingway, Beauvoir, Picasso, James Baldwin, and George
Plimpton to the writers and artists who continue to work
quietly there in the back room or heatedly debate every
topic imaginable into the night. The artists have their work
on the walls; the novelists include the café setting in
their fiction. The quiet and drama of the Sélect world
illustrates the centrality of cafés — particularly this one
— to Parisian social, cultural, and intellectual life.
Blending pithy profiles and witty drawings of clientele and
staff, the book is organized around a history of the café,
its daily and seasonal rhythms, particular colorful patrons,
and even its typical café/brasserie food (including a few