In upstate New York, Christopher Drew is leading a
remarkable team of psychics in a groundbreaking union of
science and psychokinesis. It's the ability to track
manifestations of pure evil—black clouds of doom that they
have chased across an ever-darkening American landscape.
As the storm clouds grow, so does Drew's fear that this
gathering evil is powered by something far darker than
human nature. And it knows it's being watched.
Only they know the end is near.
In the Arizona desert a theologian searches for proof of
the divine. A mass of cultists prepares for the coming of
the Antichrist. A spy is dispatched from the Vatican to
unravel the truth of the psychics' visions. And as a
startling Biblical revelation comes to light, as an
apocalyptic battle between good and evil unfolds,
Christopher Drew and his team must brave the fires of a
hell on earth to carry out their manifest goal to the
terrifying end... .