Dead End Dating #3
October 2007
On Sale: September 25, 2007
Featuring: Countess Lilliana Arrabella Guinevere due Marchette
312 pages ISBN: 0345492188 EAN: 9780345492180 Mass Market Paperback Add to Wish List
Lil Marchette, owner of Manhattan’s premier matchmaking
service, has seen it all. She’s faced down a vengeful
vampire hellbent on framing her for murder. She’s had hot,
incredible sex with hunky bounty hunter/made vampire Ty
Bonner. And she successfully matched up the single members
of the Connecticut chapter of the Naked and Unashamed
Nudist Sisterhood (aka the horny werewolves) before the
full moon.
Whew . . . This incredibly well-dressed vamp needs a little
down time, or at least a major shopping spree.
Yeah, right.
Being wanted for murder can impact a girl’s livelihood.
Despite the nice chunk of cash from the N.U.N.S., Lil is
barely making ends meet. It seems that while she was busy
proving her innocence and matching up werewolves, the rest
of her client list dwindled. On top of that, Dead End
Dating is under the microscope of local officials,
particularly a city councilwoman (human, of course) who is
convinced that DED isn’t what it appears to be.
Which means Lil needs human clients. Lots of human clients.
And fast.
No problemo. She has the brains to go with her ultrafab
wardrobe, and so she recognizes opportunity when she sees
it. Namely Manhattan’s Most Wanted. Fashioned after The
Batchelor, Manhattan’s Most Wanted is a local reality show
that follows fifty women as they via for an all expense
paid date with one of the city’s most eligible bachelors.
Fifty single women.
Hmmm . . .
While Lil has no desire to win The Date (human male+ultra
hot born female vamp=getting ass kicked by meddling born
vamp mother), she sees the show as a prime opportunity to
beef up her human client list. And so she signs herself up.
In the meantime, she vows not to think about Ty Bonner. Or
the fact that he left after their one wild night together
and hasn‘t been heard from since.
Okay, so Lil hears him. They are kinda, sorta mentally
linked since a little blood-sharing episode in book one,
and so she can hear him calling for help.
Uh, oh.
Lil launches a full-blown search for Ty who’s been abducted
by a vengeful killer. At the same time, she does her best
NOT to win herself a date with Manhattan’s Most Wanted.
Unfortunately, her V magnetism is hard at work. Despite her
best efforts, she finds herself headed for the grand finale
and an appearance on the Today show.